The Dominant Principle Of Human Acceptance Is "I SEE YOU"

Video: The Dominant Principle Of Human Acceptance Is "I SEE YOU"

Video: The Dominant Principle Of Human Acceptance Is
Video: FREE Training Replay “I See You Everywhere” Sales Framework for Roofing Companies 2024, April
The Dominant Principle Of Human Acceptance Is "I SEE YOU"
The Dominant Principle Of Human Acceptance Is "I SEE YOU"

I remember how piercingly this message sounded in the famous fantastic film "Avatar": "I SEE YOU", that is, I look, penetrate and appeal to a unique, valuable essence - to the spiritual core, personal uniqueness. Comprehending the divine, essential in you, and not superficial, unimportant, superficial.

Wonderful words! Today I would like to draw special, close attention to them, to unravel their precious meaning and recommend them for permanent use to those who are in tune with such formulas.

In general, this postulate is nothing more than basis for genuine acceptance.

Consider a compelling example - parenting perceptions of their children. How is it characteristic? The fact that the parent sees in his child an ideal congestion, a divine projection, a beautiful, personal essence. He sees and believes in her! In most cases…

It is this perception that contains true love - an attitude permeated with a high belief in the best fulfillment, realization, achievement.

I don’t know how true the following popular story is widely published on the internet, but I will post it here as a possible convincing example.

One day young Thomas Edison returned home from school and gave his mother a letter from the teacher. Mom read a letter to her son aloud, with tears in her eyes: “Your son is a genius. This school is too small, and there are no teachers here who can teach him anything. Please teach it yourself."

Many years after the death of his mother (Edison was by then one of the greatest inventors of the century), he was once revising the old family archives and came across that letter. He opened it and read: “Your son is mentally retarded. We can no longer teach him at school with everyone else. Therefore, we recommend that you teach it yourself at home."

Edison sobbed for several hours. Then he wrote in his diary: “Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally retarded child. Thanks to his heroic mother, he became one of the greatest geniuses of his age."

A poignant example, right? And if he is not a legend - amazing in the power of maternal messages: "You are beautiful! You are powerful! You are resourceful! I see you!"That is, I guess in you your authentic, best, real, thereby paving bright roads of your future

I will give one more example, this time from the book by Vadim Zeland. It concerns the basic principle of Transurfing - visualization of a happy intention and is based on the same formula of the sacred influence of mother's love on the child's future.

Let's define the main fundamental difference between Transurfing visualization and conventional visualization. As you know, focusing on a goal is desire. Concentration of attention on moving towards a goal is intention. In Transurfing, the process of moving towards the goal is visualized - in this case, the intention works, so the goal will be achieved sooner or later. The care of a mother raising her child is a good illustration. She feeds him, puts him to bed and imagines how he grows every day. She looks after him, admires, and constantly confirms for herself how beautiful he is. She plays with him, teaches him and imagines how smart he becomes, how soon he goes to school. As you can see, this is not contemplation of the result, but creation with simultaneous visualization of the process. The mother does not just observe the growth of the child, but imagines how he develops and how he becomes.

That's right: a mother, raising a child, lays down the child's future, proceeding from her ability to notice and promote for the child only to her the open congestion of cherished realizations. "A MOTHER SEES HER CHILD!"

It is this principle that also works in the love sphere of human relations, as a rule, at the beginning of communication: plunging into a special, spiritual dimension, loving people open each other in a precious, specific way.

At this moment they really SEE EACH OTHER: that is, they notice that sacred, spiritual spark that is laid by the Lord in each individual person.

And then what? Then, as a rule, this phenomenal ability is irretrievably lost and the person again habitually looks at the "candy wrappers" and collects the old "husk", losing special, high "threads" with such a sacred (more recently) chosen one …

In this sense, it is helpful to remember one beautiful Bible instruction: "Learn to separate the wheat from the chaff", that is, separate the essential core from the superficial, unimportant.

How? Sometimes it is enough to ask oneself a timely question: does what I see reflects the truth of a person, circumstances, processes, or do I look at things superficially?! …
