The Psychology Of Fate. Education And Heredity

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Video: The Psychology Of Fate. Education And Heredity

Video: The Psychology Of Fate. Education And Heredity
Video: Heredity: Crash Course Biology #9 2024, April
The Psychology Of Fate. Education And Heredity
The Psychology Of Fate. Education And Heredity

The psychology of fate. 1. Education and heredity

Fate, fate, kismet, karma - all these definitions are somehow familiar to us, each of us had a period in our life when these words evoked a response in our soul due to certain circumstances. Our Russian mentality is, of course, closer to the word-fate. And each of us perceives this word in his own way, putting his own meaning into it. And there was no such person among us who would not care about the issue of predestination and free will.

Remember Schopenhauer? If I make a choice of two possibilities - where to turn, left or right, then why am I making such a choice. And what in me makes me turn right and not left? Of course, I can explain to myself later why I turned exactly to the right. But if I turned left, then in this case I could somehow explain to myself what my choice was based on. But it also happens that we ourselves cannot understand why we chose one over the other.

We managed to establish one thing for sure: we always want to do what is best. But who exactly is better is another question. Better for yourself, your loved ones, your children. And by and large we know that we make the choice ourselves and our fate still depends on us, on who we are, on our habits of preferences and attachments, often due to our own heredity, and only then - on the circumstances.

But all of the above is filled with meaning and a completely different, more important meaning when we are interested in the problems of raising our children, for the sake of which we actually live and for the sake of which we seem ready to do anything. We know our relatives and ancestors and their problems from the very side from which we would not want these problems to manifest themselves in our children. We live for our children, sometimes risking our own freedom and life, trying to give them all the best: education and start-up capital for life. And we are afraid for our children, we are afraid that something will not work out for them in life, despite all our efforts on the verge of the law. And it is precisely from the point of view of the success of our children that we are interested in how heredity manifests itself in our children, what can we do to prevent unwanted manifestations of heredity in our children. Can we influence the fate of our children, making it more prosperous. Can we do something else if we have already done, it would seem, everything possible, for our children in material terms and in terms of upbringing? And we are interested in the answers to these questions, since we are most interested in the well-being of our children in life.

We will try to reflect on this issue, taking into account all the most modern achievements of modern human sciences. Of course, first of all - psychology and psychogenetics. How does the development of the human psyche occur and how the psyche is connected with the fate of a person. If we have a basic understanding of this, excluding any conjunctural or competitive influences, then we, accordingly, can get an idea of how we can make the fate of our child more prosperous. And this idea should be based primarily on science, not in terms of some kind of theoretical research, because there are a lot of psychological theories - understandable and not very clear. Let's leave that to the theorizing psychologists and for fun.

We must rely on natural science concepts based on the study of heredity, which consists in the experimental study of hereditary traits and their manifestations. We must rely on data from biological experiments. Then we will be able to have truly objective ideas, and not interpretations of any psychologists, based on their own philosophical ideas and reflecting, first of all, their own ideas about the World and about a person's place in it. Presenting oneself to the world in this way is, of course, understandable, but we are interested in the real mechanisms of the psyche and the real mechanics of the formation of these psychic mechanisms.

At the same time, will we not simplify everything or deserve accusations of mechanism or even lack of spirituality?We will not simplify in the least, let's look at it from a slightly different angle, more adequate to practical life. And the reproaches of philosophers do not interest us, since our goal is to obtain practical ideas, and not philosophical delights. Let's first consider some ideas from psychogenetics. So we have a certain genome. And this genome contains information about almost all hereditary traits that were in the Family, and which manifested themselves in different ways and in different people of our Family. There exist and are considered by modern medicine and biology theories about genetic memory, in which information about the events (!) Of a person's life is encoded. But what is important for us is what has already been precisely proven: information about possible diseases is stored in the genome; the genome stores information about abilities and talents. That is, about what can both complicate and worsen the fate of the child, and improve it, thanks to the manifestation of talents and abilities, increasing competitiveness, and given the tough nature of competition, and the child's survival in the conditions of modern society.

Now the most important question for us is: why does the manifestation of certain signs depend and how does it happen. The answer is simple: the genome interacts with the environment! Genotype is an environmental interaction and determines the manifestation of certain traits. The environment with which the child's genome interacts is called family-wide. As a result of the interaction of the genome with this environment, the genotype occurs - environmental correlations, and correlations can be both positive and negative! Moreover, positive correlations are such interactions of the genome with the environment that contribute to the biological survival of the genome and the child himself in this environment, and negative, respectively, vice versa.

Thus, relationships in the family and relationships directly to the child, starting from the period of intrauterine development (!), And up to 12 years, form the manifestation of all hereditary traits, determining phenotypic traits (from appearance to psychotype).

But from the age of 12, the gene correlates with the individual environment. And the individual environment is the relationship of the individual to the space around him. And this attitude is determined by that psychotype, temperament and character, which is already manifested due to the genotype-environmental correlations with the general family environment.

And then we will consider the questions of how it is possible to influence all this. In addition, the concepts of imprinting are extremely important for our topic.

Imprints - what they are and why Konrad Lorenz received the Nobel Prize. How brain software is formed, what it depends on and how it works. How can you influence him? And how imprints and other programs build a person's destiny, his life path, which is, in fact, an unfolding of the genome in a continuum. All this and more - we will talk further.

Psychology of fate. 2. Education and heredity

So, how to influence the software of the brain, how to make a person give up bad habits or painful or inappropriate reactions to certain influences? In order not to become like savages who conjure rain, for example, it is necessary to understand the principles of operation and the structure of brain programs. Everyone knows that a computer has two parts known as hardware and software. (The information is included in the software.) The hardware of a solid-state computer is real, localized in space, and consists of a processor, monitor, keyboard, disk drives, etc. Software consists of programs that can exist in various forms, including abstract ones. The program can be located in a computer - that is, it can be recorded in a processor or on a magnetic disk. It can also exist on a piece of paper, or in a user's guide if this program is standard; in this case, it is not in the computer, but can be entered into it at any time. But the program can be even more insubstantial: it can only exist in the head if I have not written it down yet, or if I have already used and erased it.

Thus, a program or information can be located on almost any medium, including in the brain, representing certain patterns of neural connections, known in neurophysiology as neural ensembles. By speaking of the human brain as an electro-colloid computer, we can locate the hardware: the left and right hemispheres of the brain, cerebellum, trunk. As for the software, it can be anywhere and everywhere. For example, the software in my brain also exists outside of it - say, in the form of a book I’ve already read. Other parts of my software consist of the software of Confucius, Carl Jung, David Teutsch, Stan Grof, Ken Wilber, Einstein, Heisenberg, Karl Pribram, Hawking, Everett, my parents and teachers, and other equally interesting and talented comrades. It may sound strange to you, but this is how software (or information) functions.

Of course, if our consciousness were nothing more than an indiscriminate jumble of timeless and non-dimensional software, we would have no individuality and no self. The most interesting part is how does a separate person emerge from this worldwide ocean of software. Since the human brain, like the brain of all animals, operates on the principle of an electro-colloid, and not a solid-state computer, it obeys the same laws as the brain of any other animal. This means that programs, in the form of electrochemical bonds, are entered into it discretely.

Each set of programs consists of four main parts:

1. Genetic imperatives. Absolutely hard-coded programs, or instincts. Biological instincts are an integral part of the psyche. And biological instincts are: taking care of the offspring, and the orienting reflex-development and conquest of new territories, and self-preservation, and play. Instincts are biologically expedient programs that allow a species to preserve and improve its species qualities.

2. Imprints. More or less rigidly set programs that the brain is genetically obliged to accept only at certain moments of its development, known as moments of imprint vulnerability. The Nobel laureate Konrad Lorenz discovered that the gosling at the moment of imprinted vulnerability, immediately after hatching from the egg, who saw not the goose, but Lorenz himself, then considers Lorenz himself the mother of his whole life.

3. Conditioning. Programs that overlap with imprints. They are set less rigidly and can be easily changed by counterconditioning.

4. Training. Even more free and "softer" software than air conditioning. Typically, the primary imprint is always stronger than any subsequent conditioning or training.

An imprint is a type of software that is inseparably merged with hardware, imprinted on neurons at the time of their special availability and vulnerability. Imprints (software embedded in hardware) are integral to our identity. In the infinity of possible programs that represent potential software, the imprint sets limits, defines parameters and perimeters within which all further conditioning and training takes place.

This is how the views of advanced Western psychology look like. But for us, as practitioners, it is important first of all to draw the correct conclusions even from the correct information. And these conclusions will look like this. We know that not only biological instincts are genetically inherent, which can manifest themselves in their pure form when a child is raised by animals. But our children, thank God, are still brought up by ourselves, and biological instincts, being common to all people, do not manifest themselves in their pure form, but precisely in the range in which they could manifest themselves in one of our ancestors. And genetically inherent information about the type of the nervous system is manifested, again in the range of generic variability, when the nervous system is formed. And the environment for the child's genome is naturally the mother's body. And to dear mothers, who are sometimes irritated or tired of a screaming child, ask themselves the question: "Who was this eternally screaming child born into?"

It must be remembered that the child was born in any case in one of the ancestors. But in whom and which one, for example, calm or restless, this is largely already asked by the expectant mother herself. His attitude to the father of the child and to the mother of the father of the child. How, yes, very simple. Since the environment of the genome of the fetus, including the hormonal background of the mother's body. Thus, a smoking, drinking, nervous, worried, suffering, or simply unhappy expectant mother creates an environment for the fetal genome that causes a negative genotype - environmental interaction. As a result, far from the best of the possible types of the nervous system, encoded in the genome, is being laid.

So what should a poor expectant mother do if "they are like that !!!!" First, it is advisable to take a responsible attitude to the choice of the child's father. After all, who exactly will be the father of the child is determined by the expectant mother, except for special cases. It is desirable that a genetically compatible partner would become the father.

How can one find such a person, understanding with the mind that this one is needed, and the heart is drawn to another, and the soul wants a third? Whom to choose and how to choose the right one? It is very difficult and very easy to make a mistake. In modern practice of psychocorrection, there are clinically proven methods for eliminating the mismatch of the vital, emotional and mental spheres in girls and adjusting its perception specifically for a genetically compatible partner. But they resort to these methods, as a rule, most often, girls who already have the sad experience of an unsuccessful partnership, sometimes tired of the repeated repetition of this unsuccessful experience. And then we will talk about imprinting in ontogenesis, and how imprinting affects the main neurosurvival neurocircuit.
