Money: What Prevents You From Earning More?

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Video: Money: What Prevents You From Earning More?

Video: Money: What Prevents You From Earning More?
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Money: What Prevents You From Earning More?
Money: What Prevents You From Earning More?

Money: what prevents you from earning more?

Sometimes the answer is in front of your eyes. If I sit at home for weeks without making a single move to make money, it’s obvious that I’m not getting anything. No movement towards the goal - no result.

But sometimes things are not so obvious. You do a lot, but in the end something breaks down, does not add up, fails, slips away.

And it seems that so many things have already been read, studied, realized. You already know exactly why you need money, what you will spend it on tomorrow, what pleasure it will bring you. The work with beliefs is done, other people's fears are thrown aside. Goals have been defined, plans have been made. But no. As if someone deliberately limits, hinders, does not give. But who?

Let's try to look at it. We will look at a number of reasons that hinder financial wealth, based on the practice of family constellations and a systems approach. According to him, a person in this world is not isolated. He is always a part of something whole, in particular, an element of the family system. Therefore, if a person has a "personal problem", most likely, it refers to his system, having roots within it.

Each of us is rooted in his own family. As well as many reasons for our problems, in particular, "where to get the money." And then the solution must be sought in the soul.

It is important to understand that there is no finite list of such reasons. Each person has their own. Below I will talk about some of them, which quite often find themselves in the course of solving this pressing problem.

Reason # 1 "Fear of money as a model of behavior"

In our country, this is a common obstacle to a rich life. It can be rooted in generations that have experienced the burden of money, such as being ruined or dispossessed. It is amazing to observe how in several generations after this there can be no talk of big money, which for the ancestors became the cause of suffering, separation from loved ones, illness or death.

Avoiding wealth becomes a sustainable pattern of behavior for descendants.

The chance to get rid of this model appears when a person manages to share his life and the life of his ancestors.

Reason # 2 "I can't afford more than you"

This reason is associated with a person's loyalty to his family and, above all, to his parents, who did not receive enough love, pleasure, joy, material means. And then the son or daughter repeats this defect in his life.

Reason number 3 "I will prove to you that living without money is not scary"

This reason is the opposite of the first. It sometimes manifests itself when someone from a family with whom a person is very close at heart, lived in fear of losing money, losing health because of this, the joy of life or life itself. Then the descendant can prove to himself and to him with his life that it is not so scary to live without money.

Reason # 4 "Giving up money is like giving up the possibilities of life"

It is about giving up the opportunity to grow up because of "outstanding" claims against their parents.

It happens that, for various reasons, a child does not receive love from his parents - the way he wanted. And as an adult, he still tries to get it from them, not realizing the futility of his attempts. The past cannot be changed. One can only agree with him. Only in this case can a person fully accept life and see the chances that it gives.

N came to the training with a complaint that she could not and did not want to use the opportunities to make money. She sees where and how her professional talents can be applied, but she does not move in this direction. In the process of work, it became obvious that in her soul N does not look into the future, she is completely absorbed in her past - childhood grievances against her parents for the lack of love and care. Only by agreeing with the past and the parents who they were, N was able to turn into her adult life and look at what it is filled with.

This work can be hard for the soul. Often it requires a person to face the child's pain, displaced into the unconscious, since the child's psyche could not cope with it. It sometimes takes time to get over it. But this work always has results.

Reason number 5 "Interlacing with someone else's fate and lack of money

The reasons for this phenomenon are when one of the descendants adopts situations and feelings from the life of a family member who lived before him. This is especially often manifested when these situations, feelings, destinies are hidden, passing into the category of "family secrets" that are not customary to talk about.

As an example, I will cite the case of N, which was intertwined with the fate of his mother's first husband. In the process of the constellation, a connection in the soul of N with the first husband of his mother, who was poor and could not earn enough to feed his family, was clearly manifested, which was the reason for the divorce. Living in someone else's fate did not give N an opportunity, firstly, to realize himself financially, and, secondly, to find a way in his soul to his mother as a son. The solution to N's financial problems came only when he was able to disconnect from someone else's fate and recognize as the son of his only parents.

Reason # 6 Rejection of the mother

Perhaps the most important and common dynamic when dealing with financial problems.

Bert Hellinger said: "Our success has the face of our mother."

This is a very accurate statement, which often finds confirmation in the soul of a person. If, for one reason or another, a person cannot accept his mother in his soul, cannot sincerely treat her with love and respect, often he cannot move towards success in business, in a profession, as well as in love.

That is why the movement of the soul to the mother is the most important step on the way to financial wealth. But sometimes this is a very difficult step. It happens that a person cannot and does not want to see this problem for a long time. But when he succeeds, it always has results in different areas of his life.

Reason number 7 Manifestation in life that was not respected in the father

Such dynamics latent in the soul manifests itself quite often. It arises if in the family the mother (or someone else close) did not show due respect for the father as a person capable of providing material wealth. Then, growing up, the child can unconsciously show "paternal characteristics", remaining in the soul a "faithful" son. Although in words he can express condemnation of his father, just like his mother.

At heart, the child always loves both parents! No matter how the circumstances develop. Whatever happens. No matter what others say. At heart, a child loves both father and mother equally.

N made a request "I want money, but it doesn't work …". He grew up without a father. Dad left when N was 6 years old, having had a big fight with Mom. According to N, the initiator of the divorce was his mother.

For a long time she told her son how his father was not able to provide them with a dignified existence and protect the family. Dmitry was amazed when, in the constellation, he saw how deeply he was connected with his father through his inability to earn money and ensure a decent existence for his family. It was this feature, which became the reason for his parents' divorce, that he demonstrated his emotional attachment to his dad.

Olga Savolainen
