Create Your Future

Video: Create Your Future

Video: Create Your Future
Video: How to feel it real to spend the holidays with your SP with Valarie and Amanda Success Story 2024, April
Create Your Future
Create Your Future

When you try to solve a problem at the level of Consciousness, you use your experience that you have accumulated throughout your life. It's a pretty big experience, even if you're only twenty years old. You have at your disposal examples of how the fate of grandparents, as well as mom and dad, girlfriends, acquaintances, and so on. Your personal experience is enriched by the experience of the easy or difficult life of your environment. And this experience is limited to them.

I'm talking about the fact that you don't know how people from another city live, with a different income and other opportunities. You are guessing how it might be, but you don't know for sure.

And when you are told in trainings that you can choose your destiny from a huge space of options, unfortunately, you find yourself limited only to a piece of this space of options that are familiar to you from personal experience.

The experience of all mankind (the collective unconscious) is in deep memory. It can be accessed by immersing yourself in hypnosis.

Will this infinite “space” be limited, and if so, what kind of limitations are there in the infinite set?

Let's see together?

Imagine how your consciousness is transferred to a point on your forehead, correlated with your celestial eye, you feel a flash of light that gathers at a point of light and this point plunges into the center of your head…. Now you yourself feel yourself as a point of light in space. It is as if you are in the center of a dark sphere, and only a light point emits a ray of light and illuminates some separate area of the dark sphere. The ray of your consciousness slides from the inside along the spherical "walls", highlighting one area, then another.

You are the ray of consciousness. Pure will, perfect in every way. You are completely free from lust and can illuminate the entire sphere from the inside, shine both up and down, as well as in all directions of the wind rose. You can choose for yourself any "plot" from those that are stored in these "Akasha Chronicles".


How “free from lust” and from your own limitations or psychological trauma are you? From the power of judgment and prejudice?

- "You will not study, you will go to work as a janitor." And you understand that there is a class of people who are less … worthy than you. And being like that is a shame. What is there related to the "wipers"? Isn't that pretty figurative? Twirl the tails of the cows. And now - goodbye to the career of a veterinarian, although I really want to … But as you imagine the contemptuous smile of the parents, so all desire disappears, here's more, some tails!

“Don't look at her outfits and manicure, do you know who her parents are? We have no servants, and will not, every cricket know your six. And you understand that there is a class of people who….

And the ray of Your light can no longer illuminate either the top or bottom of that dark sphere. Why look there at all?

Continue to stand on the pedestal of your pride under the dome that separates you from "people who know who are parents."

Well, why look back at your Shadow? Why shine in the eyes of the "evil one"? Ahead is a bright future, the most predictable, and let all the "opposite" remain in the shadows. It is "bad" to look there. Do you know the tale about Bluebeard? That's the same.

And the point of light is placed in a “box” of all kinds of restrictions, including “walls” built from our own traumatic experience.

There is a window in the box through which a ray of light can illuminate only a small fraction of Space.

Yes, the result of the choice of "scenario" greatly depends on who is the source of the light. Just like in quantum physics, where the result of an experiment depends entirely on the observer.

Apparently, quantum physicists, not psychologists, are proving the validity of esoteric teachings. So.

When you are unable to get what you want, esotericists, in particular tantrists, will advise you to "go beyond your capabilities." What does it mean.

It means to go beyond the limits of only your consciousness, personal experience and take advantage of the experience of your own and collective unconscious, which opens access to limitless possibilities.

People who are not burdened with a "box", that is, parental attitudes, dogmas and psychological trauma or psychological defenses, have real freedom in choosing their life options.

To be able to expand your "choice of options" you need a hypnologist who accompanies the immersion and helps to work through psychological trauma (get rid of limiting attitudes).

Why not go into hypnosis yourself? And not destroy that "box" made of limiting beliefs?

Because the girl sitting in this "box" cannot see it. It seems to her that this room is the whole world.

Why go into hypnosis to get rid of your own limitations?

Then, that the restrictions were either created at the level of the unconscious, or "deepened" there. After all, at the level of consciousness, you want a different (happier) fate? What won't let you in?

Consciously: "I will go to the veterinarians."

Unconsciously: "what will people say?" (in fact, what will that Significant Adult say, who in your childhood contemptuously spit out phrases about cow tails).

Since the beliefs limiting your choice of life path "live" in the unconscious, the most productive method of rethinking them is to work with your unconscious in Hypnosis.

Your Irina Panina

Hypnologist, Doctor of Psychology (PhD).

Together we will find the way to your hidden possibilities!
