How Does The Victim's Condition Affect Women's Money?

Video: How Does The Victim's Condition Affect Women's Money?

Video: How Does The Victim's Condition Affect Women's Money?
Video: 5 Pieces of Advice for Dealing with Toxic People | Digital Original | Oprah Winfrey Network 2024, April
How Does The Victim's Condition Affect Women's Money?
How Does The Victim's Condition Affect Women's Money?

It is more difficult for women to grow up financially than it is for men. This is reality and it is stupid to turn away from it. For centuries, a woman was in a subordinate position, from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, the state of the victim was transmitted - "be patient", "do not protrude", "do not cross", "sit and be silent." Restrictions and prohibitions were driven into women with truncheons, boots, and a heavy male or mother's fist. Church, society and even literature imposed a stereotype on a woman that without a man she would be lost, without a man she is nobody, she does not have her own strength and capabilities to somehow manifest herself in this world, earn so much that she can feed herself, her family and still remain … Many talented and gifted women simply disappeared - persecuted, laughed at, depreciated - it was easier to give up, give up and somehow drag on through life. The pain began to be transmitted from one woman to another, and after several generations, systemic pain was already formed - bitter, unbearable, unbearable.

100 years ago for women, a lot has changed dramatically - the transformation of social roles and patterns began. Huge opportunities opened up for women - new professions, choice in relationships, universities and science, the opportunity to earn money and have their own business. Many family systems have undergone colossal changes, new experience and knowledge have come.

But the topic of money is still difficult and overwhelming for many women. As before, many women are waiting for a prince who will give them everything and provide them all. Of course, it is not possible in one or two generations to find a solution to the state of the victim and the little girl who must be provided for and supported. As before, many women are divided with their income, with their money and depend on the money of their husbands, lovers, at best, sons. And men are looked at either as their dads or as "the last goats."

What to do?

Look for a way out of difficult conditions and fears, restrictions and prohibitions, which are centuries old, to take the first step to something of your own, where you will feel your strength and influence on your life. You can, of course, continue to support all this, but then the price for this support is female unfulfillment, the unused potential that is laid in every woman by generations of her grandmothers - talents, intelligence, abilities, her own goal, her own path, her own money - all this is so and will gather dust and wallow in some distant corner of the basement until the very woman appears in the system who will have sufficient strength and the desire to stop being small and a victim, stop waiting for a miracle and an ideal prince, and take her life into her own hands. A woman who wants to have influence over her finances, who generally wants to have her own money and dispose of it at her own discretion.
