Our Future

Video: Our Future

Video: Our Future
Video: "النقل فى الانسان" للصف الثانى الثانوى الجزء الاول ....استمتع بالمذاكره 2024, April
Our Future
Our Future

We are constantly catching up with the trend, not having time to get enough of what we have. There is no time to enjoy the moment. Achievements are always few, education is not enough. Only people got used to the new situation, how to run further. And this race has no end. The end will come only to your nerves, when you get tired of keeping up with the present day and realize that it is pointless, because tomorrow will be another day with new rules.

Previously, a person mastered some kind of business and was engaged in it for many years, gaining skill. The man lived and worked quietly, being confident in the future and in his value to society. Now this makes no sense, because the professions market has been filled with one-day professions, which will also soon depreciate, because EVERYONE will master them. We launched a trend, and everyone rushed after it, after a short time they launched a new one, and everyone went there. The one who has managed, as they say, to "snatch" really rises. And from the outside, all this resembles a fussy running around with glowing eyes and with the hope that now happiness and wealth will come.

However, change is perceived in different ways. This is fine. It has always been that way. There were conservatives and innovators. Only for some reason everyone loved the innovators, and the conservatives were criticized for hindering progress. BUT NOW IT'S NOT ABOUT PROGRESS. Progress gradually turned into degradation. We like it because it has become easier. At first, the brain strove to make it easier, so it worked hard. We invented the wheel, cars, internet, etc. The brain wants more. To make it even easier. There were bank cards, dating sites, home delivery. But the brain wants it even easier, and we follow its lead, continuing to call it progress out of habit.

The attributes of modern life, gadgets and digital novelties that are designed to make our life easier, are actually very insidious and have a downside. The world will never be the same. Natural selection has not disappeared anywhere. It's just that before people fought for food, and the strongest, fastest and most enduring won. And now life is to get rid of those who did not manage to master the necessary application in time. The more persistent, flexible, quick learners will win.

Eternal values have become old and useless. If your human qualities are superior to those of a business, you are a failure. Nowadays, it is not hard work, but the course of thoughts that determines your income.
