Video: 30 Ways to Hide Money at Home | Thaitrick 2024, April

I want to live up to the time when having a personal psychotherapist and coach is just as common as having a personal stylist or dentist. Those happy people who have understood what a resource state is a resource state receive changes that cover almost all areas of their lives.

According to the results of numerous surveys, the most relevant topics today are money, relationships and health. I equally like helping you improve all areas of your life, but the topics of relationships and health affect a lot of complex internal processes and work to the result can take a different amount of time, everything is very individual here.

Therefore, I would like to suggest that you first deal with the topic of money (for whom this is relevant).


Money is a measure of efficiency and the benefits that you bring to the world. It is real, concrete and something that you can touch.

In personal consultations, I often hear that someone works 10-12 hours a day, or 2 jobs, but there is not enough money. Or you succeed in earning, but the money is magically spreading somewhere useless. Or a person comes who “has everything,” but there is no joy from it..

There are many factors that influence whether you have money or not.

1. Incorrect Parent-Adult-Child Development Models

2. Inadequate perception of internal Men and Women

3. Conflict of values, failure to comply with the tasks of the Soul

4. Family memory

If your Parent-Child-Adult model is traumatized, then you may have problems with ideas for projects, opportunities to raise funds, problems with attracting partners for business, you may be scared to start a new one and you may be limited “don't go there, don't do, stay at your old job, do not rock the boat,”it may be difficult for you to take and give money, it may be difficult to negotiate and sell your services.

Inadequate perception of the inner Men and Women also leads to distortions in the field of finance, an imbalance in the take-give balance.

Conflict of values. I would like to have time for everything: my own business, and happy relationships, and fitness, sports, health, and several hobbies, and friends …, and such a quantity of "everything" simply does not fit into life. Or, when your Soul, for example, has come to learn how to “cooperate and negotiate”, and you compete with everyone and “build up from competitors”, you will be blocked from cash flow so that you understand that you are “going in the wrong place”.

Also, if you had problems in your family because of money, then most likely it is written in your genetics: Money is evil. It's dangerous to have them. To have money, you have to "work hard." Someone has a scenario that money = death. And no matter how hard you try to earn them, you will not have them. You will merge them in every possible way. Neither 5 jobs (or several businesses) nor a block of shares in an oil company will help. Generic problems often lead to the fact that a person is "head over heels" in debt and loans. There is also the concept of generic "interweaving", this is when your Soul "intertwines" with the unlived experience of one of the Ancestors and a very strong internal conflict arises if there is one Ancestor in your interlacing, who was "naked like a falcon", and the second was rich. You have a complex of "princess-beggar" or "oligarch-rogue". There is also the concept of a "money ceiling", when your unconscious "allows" you to have a certain amount of money and all incomes exceeding this amount, you will safely "drain" or circumstances that urgently require cash injections will appear from the ground.

How do I find the source of the problem?

The reasons hindering your monetary success or a thriving business are rarely obvious. As a rule, they are hidden deep in the subconscious. So that you can solve them - problems should be brought to the surface.

Identifying the problem that hinders the flow of money and eliminating it can be done with the help of a synthesis of techniques and practices that are rich in modern psychotherapy.

You have at least two ways:

- to live (and this is also an experience)

- turn to a specialist if you are ready to quickly and effectively change your life towards financial success and stabilize your financial flows.

If you have a goal, and you want to achieve it, then asking for assistance DOES NOT MEAN AT ALL that you are weak, but rather, on the contrary, means that you are ready to act! It's not for nothing that the vast majority of the world's most successful people - from eminent athletes to industrial tycoons - say they would not have achieved such heights without mentors.
