"Cheap" Thoughts Or How To Devalue Yourself

Video: "Cheap" Thoughts Or How To Devalue Yourself

Video: Your art sucks, and that's OK 2024, April
"Cheap" Thoughts Or How To Devalue Yourself
"Cheap" Thoughts Or How To Devalue Yourself

Devaluation of oneself, one's achievements, one's business, knowledge, experience, abilities, personal and business qualities, or at least underestimating them, greatly affects the ability to take money and earn.

How much can you earn if such thoughts are spinning in your head?

  • - what I do is not worthy of respect (garbage),
  • - I want to meet other people's expectations,
  • - I'm not worth anything,
  • - I have no experience / education,
  • - I will be laughed at if I do,
  • - I will never succeed,
  • - I'm not a creative person,
  • - it's too late for me / it's too early, etc.

IMPAIRMENT - partial loss of value. (Glossary of financial terms)

Why do we lose in "value"?

Devaluation is protection. Protection from pain, from disappointment. It's easier to tell myself that the road to success and prosperity is for others, and my destiny is failure and a modest life.

When did we get cheaper?

In childhood, parents compared us with other children (brothers-sisters, peers, classmates, fellow students) and more often than not in our favor. This habit of losing and being worse has become entrenched and now we devalue ourselves: we compare, criticize, scold.

The second eternal Russian question: "What to do?"

- stop comparing yourself with others, spread rot on yourself, - focus not on your "weak" sides, but on the experience, knowledge, business and personal qualities that make you "strong", attractive to clients, money, business. Take right now and write down on a piece of paper what makes you “valuable” (at least 10 points).

Don't waste your life evaluating whether your glass is half full or half empty, you need water - take a glass and pour it!
