Dress For Mary

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Video: Dress For Mary

Video: Dress For Mary
Dress For Mary
Dress For Mary

Is there a fashion for relationships?

Dress, flesh, embodiment - words from the same root. Since the dress embodies something, then it has some purpose. Not just an image, a sketch, but a goal or intention. "Dress" - the old name of any clothing - helps to do something to the one who wears it, performs a function. The fact that clothes are functional has been known for a long time.

Clothes for work, clothes for leisure, clothes for travel … And the fashion for "dress" - the leading canon of style - also fulfills a certain function. And this is not only a function of novelty - new design, new combinations of materials and colors. This is a social function, a function of relationships. Where society is, there is relationship. It turns out that since fashion responds to a social request, then fashion also responds to the request of social relations. Simply put - there is and always has been a fashion for relationships. What kind of relationships are in fashion today, reflected in your clothes. Or what intent does your chosen fashion serve, what kind of desired relationship?

Eve and Adam

Let's start simple. Clothes for the night.

What other clothes for the night? - you ask. The best clothes for the night are a blanket and a pillow. Yes, if you are alone, but if a woman and a man go to bed together? You've probably heard that in the life of every person there are stages, periods. So, the first stage for her is "Eve", and for him - "Adam". And no matter how old you are, Eve and Adam live in you, because this was the beginning of your life, your story. Eve is nature itself, the feminine principle of life.

Eve lives in a girl and in a girl and in a wife and in a mother. These are all hypostases of Eve - naturalness, naturalness, femininity, motherhood.

And what have the clothes to do with it? And despite the fact that we do not live in a biblical paradise, but in some social conditions, walking in which naked is not always convenient and therefore we resort to the help of clothes, to its functionality.

And what is its functionality?

In this case, protect.

From what?

It is clear that from the "bad weather", drafts there and so on.

And what else?

From someone else's gaze. Well, when the children are around, of course, they shouldn't see the primordial Eve instead of their mother. And when only you and Adam. What do you choose - translucent fabrics or muffled nighties, graceful negligees or worn faded robes. If you do not accept Eve in you, your naturalness, your femininity, you are not happy with your body, of course you will avoid seeing yourself and even more so showing yourself to Adam.

And what kind of relationship do you choose?

“Human” - two people go to bed, not a man, not a woman - just two carefully hidden bodies. Adam did not see his Eve and could not show his "adamus", because there was simply no one to show to anyone.

If you think that adams only love super-model figures, then you are wrong. Adams love the nature of Eve, the comfort and peace that she creates with her presence. And if you are worried about your figure, about the imprints of motherhood on your body and other subtleties, then what peace is there when there is a carefully hidden anxiety nearby. So, this is not about the relationship between man and woman, this is about the relationship "you and your nature." The more natural you are, the more natural the Adams are, because Eve teaches Adam the beauty of naturalness. Next time choosing a "dress" for late evening and night, remember - fashion only answers your requests - you choose. In the underwear departments there is a rich selection for any of your intentions.

Cozy “eternal” slippers

Let's move on to the next step. Evening. Homewear. Convenient of course. They quickly threw off the fashionable heels and into cozy, "worn out" on the leg, favorite (several years) slippers. "Combat" daytime outfit down with sweatpants with the same T-shirt or blouse, which once wore a couple of times "on the way out." Convenient, functional, not a pity to get dirty. Yes.

But we're talking about fashion and relationships. Once I got bogged down at one forum in the women's discussion of men, but what kind of "they are …" and look at women "kobe.." with glances. And he asked - “For whom or for what purpose do women wear these sexually accentuated, inviting outfits? And women unanimously, in full female solidarity, to shake off another male representative, answered - “How for whom? We dress exclusively for ourselves, to please ourselves. " “Yeah - I say - then please answer, dear ladies, when was the last time you bought clothes especially for your home, for your beloved? Slippers - I say - and sweatpants-suits don't count.” There was silence at the forum for two hours, after which only one woman said embarrassedly - “I bought a T-shirt just a couple of years ago especially for the house”.

Perhaps the situation has changed a little since then, but the question arises

Why wear at home something that can no longer be worn by people?

Why do they not go to visit in the same outfit twice, but at home for "years"?

Why, with such an abundance of proposals, and a variety of styles?

Why are there practically no shops or departments "for home and family"?

Not fashionable, not in demand?

Elena and the Hero

What period of life is next? She is Elena, he is a Hero. The same Trojan Helena, because of which the whole war broke out. Elena is passion, sensuality, pronounced eroticism. And the clothes are appropriate, inviting. The Hero is a Warrior striving for victory. Any victory. In combat, in sports, in business and even in street showdowns. Functional clothes - sports uniforms, military uniforms, business clothes.

Remember the beginning of perestroika? Cooperator-crimson jacket, racketeer-suit “adidas”. Choose a hero to your liking. Desired for Elena, the future defender of the future home and future children. And she must choose him, conquer and “tame” him. And in the family house there is no one to conquer, the man is domesticated.

There is no purpose, no function. And the clothes reflect this. Well, couturiers will not release a model on the catwalk in an outfit for washing dishes or at least for watching TV. No social request. A faded blouse will fit for all occasions. And what are the shops filled up with? Clothes for Elena. But my point is that fashion in clothes reflects fashion in relationships. It turns out that the most fashionable relationship is Elena, seducing her hero.

And what, go out into the street - solid Helena, look into the office - the kingdom of Helen, in the bank, in institutions … And even the dress code is "overeat". The skirt is slightly shorter, the heel is slightly higher, or the skirt is longer, but with a slit. Well, you can write an ode about blouses. For some reason, what should be on Eve in the boudoir turned out to be in the open spaces of the day. Dear ladies, do not rush to throw at me rotten tomatoes. Have you seen many women whose outfit expresses harmony and satisfaction with existing relationships? Images of "hunters" are more common. And this is Elena's combat version - Diana the Hunter, but we'll talk about this a little later. There are much more women and men in relationships than young Helen in the search stage. However, this is not felt on the catwalks.

Not fashionable to be happy with your hero?

Or has the desire to conquer become the main variety of a woman's life?

Maria and the "professor"

The explanation of Elena's “phenomenon” is that the next stage - Maria and the “professor” - simply does not come, is not fashionable or is not advertised. And Elena is forced to be in an eternal search, or at least demonstrate it. Well, start praising your man in the women's company. You risk losing your friends. A man seeks to move to the stage of “professor”, because he simply needs to be well versed in something, to succeed. Whether it's science or fishing, business or home politics. Without success, it simply did not take place. The conversations and deeds of men are a constant competition of ideas and abilities. “Overdeveloped” Elena, undecided or dissatisfied with her choice, charged with the unspent energy of femininity, turns into …?

Diana the Hunter

This is such a feminine sport with an adrenaline rush. An Amazon that does not recognize the world of men, whole detachments of Amazons rushing across the open spaces and constantly improving their martial art (in our case, in stores). Their family is fighting friends, their status is military merit. How many glances are attracted per day, so many victories. “Hero” in female form. To put on new, advanced - you need courage, to stand under the gaze-arrows - you need stamina and a state of “no choice” - it looks like an intoxicating freedom. I take off my hat, but …

Let's return to your house, where you are seen by the “still your” man.

Morning. Diana's ammunition, carefully selected (since the evening), gets dressed for going to work. The finest "war paint" is applied to the face. A clan tattoo should not be noticeable, but recognizable. Accessories - combat arrows - sharpened.

The man watching these gatherings just wants to wish “his woman for the time being” - “Successful hunt, dear. Oh, sorry, I wanted to say good job. Freudian reservations, what can you do. Ladies! Wait until you get the rotten tomatoes.

Let's turn the picture over.

The man is going to work. The first step is to put on pads and devices on the causal place. They say that women like men's buttocks, but he is not very happy with his own, so special linings for trousers. The muscles of the chest and biceps are inflatable pads. We cover the drawn squares on the stomach with a translucent shirt fabric. Men's perfume - “try it once and you will never forget me”. And already at the door, a smack on your cheek - "while my dear, I'll go to work and come back." I think that your answer will be unambiguous as a sentence - “Where are you going, goat…. (Underline whatever applicable). Run to the bathroom, change! Gathered for work - put on a business suit! If you think to dump, get out now."

Probably it would have been. Because a woman has the right to point out to a man the inappropriateness of his clothes. In every woman there is also a mother, and all men, as you know, also have a mother, whom he listened to for a long time precisely in these matters of relevance. But a man has no right to tell a woman anything about her clothes, otherwise no one will go to work that day, immediately to the prosecutor. He has no right to say, but to think … That is why I am writing about this on behalf of many loving men. The point is not even in what and how the woman went to work. Maybe she's just following the rules of the game. Perhaps she herself is tired of this standard. The bottom line is who gets home from work? Tired of the races Diana, dissatisfied Elena, the "driven horse" or all the same Maria.


So who is Maria?

Faith and Service.

Or faith in a man, in his knowledge, skills and wisdom and serving the common home (not to be confused with serving). Or faith in your knowledge and abilities and service to your cause. And then there is friendship between a woman and a man. This is the same Mary who walked with Jesus.

Can you imagine a picture from time immemorial?

Jesus and Mary returned after preaching for the night. And so Mary, having thrown off her high-soled sandals, having thrown off her festive attire of “conquest”, dressed in rags, reprimands Jesus - “What kind of heresy did you carry today in the sermon? Because of you, I almost fell into the ground with shame. And what kind of young women were spinning around you? And what do you always contradict respected people? What do you want most of all? And anyway, you should go fishing again, like our neighbor. All the benefits will be greater. Well, and you yourself will make the translation into a modern way.

The woman is always in the ministry.

Eve - in serving the wisdom of nature and the development of men. Adam is curious and too busy with his ideas about "the world." Therefore, Eve's “half-disguise”, exciting his imagination (after all, he does not know your thoughts about himself), develops his sensuality, makes him “earthly” and gives rest from the exhausting work of thought.

Elena - in serving the wisdom of love and awakening romanticism in a man. Without Eve, men are unpretentious warriors, not preoccupied with home, comfort, or the beauty of sensuality. Helena awakens the heart of the Hero.

Maria - in the service of the wisdom of the mind. Either he is a "professor" and … Or you are a "professor" and at the same time you are friends and understand your "professor" in a man's guise.

Maria - the quintessence of femininity. The main quality of femininity is softness, manifested in all forms, and especially noticeable in clothing. Even if you are not in the best phase of your relationship today, it is worth dreaming about a “dress for Mary”. At least a sketch, at least a sketch. This is not for him, this is for you.

“Do you think all this will be worn? “I think all this should be sewn!”