Hidden Asperger's Syndrome

Video: Hidden Asperger's Syndrome

Video: Hidden Asperger's Syndrome
Video: "Copy & Paste’ - Hidden Asperger’s-- Girls with Aspergers | Niamh McCann | TEDxDunLaoghaire 2024, April
Hidden Asperger's Syndrome
Hidden Asperger's Syndrome

The number of cases of autism spectrum disorders has been on the rise in recent decades. Some people associate this with improving diagnostic methods, others with the deterioration of the ecological situation. There are studies that have shown that women who are exposed to certain chemicals during pregnancy have a higher risk of having a child with autism. Many people who are associated with this topic are well aware that autism is a collective concept. It includes a whole spectrum of disorders from the most severe, when contact with the child is impossible, to very mild (Asperger's syndrome), when the child is adapted in society, but has some difficulties in contact with others. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about high-functioning adults with Asperger's Syndrome.


The difficulty is that they are very often not diagnosed in childhood. They are seen as just strange introverted children, "nerds" with a minimum number of friends and homebodies. For this reason, their needs are rarely paid attention to. A person grows up who feels that something is wrong with him, the society does not really accept him. With his friends, everything is still not so good, they need to get along with people for a very long time so that they begin to understand the social context of interactions and not blurt out rudeness and inappropriateness. Others should get used to them too. This is not to say that the hidden "aspie" (they often call themselves that to shorten the full name of the syndrome in everyday speech) is not so completely outcast. People quite often just logically select "access keys" to people, learn a list of things that should not be talked about and do not try to joke so as not to create uncomfortable situations. They are judged to be emotionally cold or awkwardly open and familiar. There is one more feature. Such people are inclined to cut the "truth-uterus", not thinking that it might hurt someone. If children with Asperger's syndrome are characterized by insufficient empathy, then in adults it, on the contrary, may be excessive. People can be overwhelmed by a wave of other people's emotions. They are very sensitive to the facial expressions of others, reading it not subconsciously, but consciously noting that the interlocutor's face has changed. Fall into panic and anxiety, on the topic of why a person treats them so, why could he be offended? Do women especially often fall into the category of hidden aspies? Why? In men, this syndrome is generally more pronounced than in women. A quiet, modest home girl is more acceptable to society and does not inspire suspicion of mental ill-being. Such girls are very often regarded as exemplary. However, problems often arise when a girl becomes a woman and begins an independent life. Here are some characteristics: 1. A woman feels that no one is suitable for anyone and that no one is suitable for her as a friend or partner. 2. She prefers to sit in a corner and not interfere in the events around her, fearing that she will definitely get something from other people. 3. Does not express her opinion, fearing that she will be considered abnormal or strange. 4. Poorly finds the right words for certain typical situations. She tries to simply “memorize” what to say if … 5. She always has the feeling that she is playing a role, and not living her own life. Tries to join the team, repeating some individual patterns of behavior. 6. It is difficult to tolerate any changes. They find it difficult to transfer to another job, new bosses, marriage and the birth of children. All this causes distress with depression and a difficult way out of it.
