How Terrible It Is To Live

Video: How Terrible It Is To Live

Video: How Terrible It Is To Live
Video: Slaughter To Prevail - Live at Mod 12.12.2019 2024, April
How Terrible It Is To Live
How Terrible It Is To Live

"How scary to live!" - the words of Maxim Galkin from a parody of Renata Litvinova, have become a reality for many people. The terrorist threat has made itself felt in full force, covering the world with panic, anxiety and fear. And the endless news of the mass media about the terrorist attacks that took place and the number of deaths only aggravates anxious expectations and growing fears, even among people living far from these events. Will not will, a person who has learned about any catastrophe, terrorist attack, epidemic of an incurable disease, earthquake, projects what is happening on himself and his loved ones, thereby bringing closer and realizing someone else's fear in the space of his life. And this is not surprising! After all, fear is one of the innate basic emotions, designed to protect the most precious thing - human life! But this emotional process has another, destructive path of development, in which fear literally paralyzes a person, deprives him of the ability to think rationally, makes him make rash and erroneous decisions, and causes a feeling of depression and anxiety. Fear becomes dominant in all spheres of human activity, giving rise to a variety of phobias, thereby finally worsening the quality, lifestyle and relationships with people around. The actions of terrorists, who, by killing some people, keep everyone else in the grip of this strongest emotion, are designed for such a reaction of society. What to do? How not to fall into this vice? How not to give pleasure and satisfaction to the representatives of the ideology of cruelty and violence?

Awareness … First of all, you need to understand and realize that this did not happen to you, not here and not now! Through a holistic and direct experience of what is happening, rather than thinking about it, you can "pull" yourself out of the manipulation of fear. To do this, you need to look around and ask yourself a few questions: who am I now? Where am I now? What do I see around me? What do I feel? What do I hear? Thus, through all channels of information perception, you give your brain a signal that at the moment you are not in an imaginary plane that crashes, but at home on the couch, with a cup of hot tea in your hands. Your loved ones are around, it's winter and snow outside, and you are pleased to feel the touch of a warm and slightly prickly blanket. Every time your fantasy, under the yoke of violent negative emotions and fears, will again play out terrible scenes of disasters and terrorist attacks, return yourself to the present moment. Help your body know that YOU are safe.

Values … This is, perhaps, the most difficult, but the most important moment in the formation of the personality, which means in the attitude and response of a person to external stimuli. The presence and determination of the values of our life can become reference points in critical situations. There is a beautiful saying by Redmoon Ambrose that "Courage is not the complete absence of fear, but the understanding that there are more important things than fear." Try to listen to yourself and determine what are the values of your life for you? There can be no right or wrong answers here. Everything is very individual, concrete and relative at the same time. Everyone has their own values: the love of a loved one, self-esteem, the ability to navigate in an unfamiliar space or in someone else's company, peace in the world, harmony in the family. Or maybe faith in God or your knowledge is valuable to you. For some, the priority values are material goods: an apartment, a car, a fur coat. In other words, values are internal guidelines that help you understand how full of positive or negative emotions your life is. Having realized and defined your values, you will be able to understand why it is worth sacrificing them, and for which it is worth living! This is the foundation, the foundation of confidence in critical and difficult moments of your life, and especially in moments of panic and fear.

Choosing a life position … Ask yourself the question: who am I - the master of my life or a passive hostage of fate? Some believe in good luck, the blue bird of happiness, rely on the beloved Russian "maybe yes if only", winning the lottery, on a suddenly announced inheritance. Others rely only on themselves, taking responsibility for every minute of their lives. In psychology, there is a division of people according to the choice of life position: external and internal. The first, for all their failures, blunders and problems, blame anyone, but not themselves. They become victims of circumstances, everything in their life happens spontaneously or by accident. Usually, external people are unlucky, “fate turns away” from them and they constantly “miss their chance”. At the same time, people of this type, patiently believe that someday happiness and luck will "fall" on their heads and solve all problems, because they deserve it!

Internals are the blacksmiths of their own happiness! They strive to implement or maintain their values, on the basis of which they set goals, objectives and persist in pursuing them. Even if they fail, they draw conclusions, learn lessons, analyze their own mistakes and move on! The meaning of their life is that they are the master of their life, control its course, but at the same time they believe in themselves and are guided by their feelings and desires.

So, all people listen to their fear, but instead of passively and anxiously waiting for the harbingers of unhappiness, you can take an active, conscious and vigilant position. Do your best for the safety of yourself and your loved ones. Be attentive and demanding of your surroundings, do not pass by the left package, do not be lazy to call the police when you see suspicious individuals. It might make sense to restrict travel while the troubling time continues. But this does not mean that you should not live, work, love! Every day is your day! Don't let strangers take away from you what belongs only to you through intimidation! Use every day to fill it with meaning, not the fear they are trying to impose on you!
