Do Something! Our Anyutka Completely Got Out Of Hand

Video: Do Something! Our Anyutka Completely Got Out Of Hand

Video: Do Something! Our Anyutka Completely Got Out Of Hand
Do Something! Our Anyutka Completely Got Out Of Hand
Do Something! Our Anyutka Completely Got Out Of Hand

When you communicate with clients, you inevitably come to the conclusion that the people who recommend you to each other are like the inhabitants of the same planet. And, for example, if someone comes to me “from Katya, who was emotionally dependent,” I already roughly understand what I will have to deal with and what expectations Katya's friend has.

Today I will tell you about the planet "My Child is a Difficult Teen." For some time I worked with an introverted and rather difficult boy who had a wonderful grandmother. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Honored Teacher of Russia, retired and took care of her grandchildren. She looked great, there was more than enough energy, but she soberly said that the teaching profession is difficult and deforms the psyche: “Nana, if I lived in France, they would even refuse to take my testimony in court. I'm inadequate. I have worked at school for 35 years! So I am sitting with my grandchildren, so as not to torment the students and to preserve the remnants of my mind …”. And I was very sorry that such a wonderful teacher no longer teaches mathematics …

And here is a call from Lyudmila Alexandrovna:

- Nanochka, dear, do something! Our Anyutka completely got out of hand …

I already know: “ours” Lyudmila Alexandrovna called the children of her numerous students, relatives, friends, just acquaintances - they were all “hers”.


First, Maria Petrovna, Anya's mother, came to the reception. She immediately described her fears: she is afraid that her daughter is leaning towards gay. Anya was fourteen. And at that age when other girls are flirting with might and main, demanding new outfits, keeping an eye on their hair and manicure, Anya did exactly the opposite. She wore heavy men's boots, chose exclusively men's jeans, shirts and jackets, and made a short haircut. But most of all, my mother worried that Anya "absolutely, well, absolutely does not monitor her appearance, she can walk around the house topless - and in fact my son, her older brother, also lives with us!"

Mom continued:

- My son is all right. Student, studying in the fourth year of the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University. But my daughter … You see, my husband died two years ago. He was dying hard, from oncology. Anya was very much attached to her father. Of course, she knew everything - both about the illness and about the inevitable end. But during and after the funeral she behaved very strangely. I didn’t cry, didn’t grieve, didn’t want to talk about my father. I didn't want to discuss what happened at all. At first she closed herself in, then it seemed to brighten up … I began to take an interest in “Kabbalism”. And often strangely hints to me: "Soon you yourself will understand everything."

- Are you afraid that she fell under someone's influence? Sect?

- You know, and I'm afraid, and I'm not afraid. Anya is a very tough girl, it is not easy to lead her astray. In addition, I do not work, I know all her schedule and daily routine, I bring her to school myself, I pick her up. I know all her friends. In this regard, I am calm. I am more worried about her inner world. Something is happening to my child, but I don’t know what.

- Do you think she will agree to work with a psychologist? She's already fourteen, she herself must make that decision.

- Nana Romanovna, remember, you worked with Sasha, the grandson of Lyudmila Alexandrovna? He even then buzzed all ears about you to Anya. Therefore, she herself told me: “If you need someone to drip on my brains, then only Sasha's psychologist. But I will go to her alone, without you."


The first meeting. Anna was brought by Sasha, with whom we met very tenderly and happily chatted about this and that, laughed. I did this in order for the girl to take a closer look at me. She herself slowly cast short glances at her. She was indeed in boyish clothes, with a short haircut, and spoke deliberately rudely. And all the same - she remained beautiful, charming, feminine.

Immediately jumped up, as soon as I called her "Anya", almost shouted:

- My name is Anna! Call me only Anna.

I apologized and said that I would try to comply with her terms:

- My sister's name is the same as yours. Therefore, sometimes I can inadvertently jump off to "Anya", "Anyuta" …

- Try not to jump off! - the girl cut me off.

We started work. The first period is the most difficult: to establish trust and wait for that very starting point, when the client opens up and tells what really torments him. Anna's identity was relatively normal. Usual age and gender expectations and restrictions, without distortions. I felt her good connection with her father and respect, acceptance of the mother. Slowly, we analyzed various situations with her friends, school, grades - so as not to waste time in vain.

At some point, we got to a career guidance consultation. The girl was transformed before our eyes. She very sharply told me that she did not need such consultation, she knew exactly who she would become: “an investigator of the prosecutor’s office, like daddy”.

Then Anya began to drift. She began to criticize her family: “My brother is wasting his time teaching completely wrong. This way he will never become a normal economist! And mom is good too. All he does is that he travels abroad, instead of being more attentive to his, albeit small, but bringing in a stable income business."

I asked the girl to tell about her father. And she received a sharp rebuff:

- Do not meddle! This is mine, and I will not talk about it.

- Okay, but it seems to me that you have a very close relationship with your father. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to your love for your father.

- Don't blow my brain! Do not meddle with me with your hypnotic tricks! I will not tell you anything until …

- What goodbye, Anna?

- Until dad returns.

- Will come back ?! Do they return from there?

- You also call yourself a psychologist! Completely unaware of the world order, numbers, numbers, events …

It turned out that the girl was carried away by some kind of movement, which I really did not understand. At her father's funeral, she met two ladies who called themselves "Kabbalists." They told Anna that an event would soon occur in the world as a result of which the dead would revive. So they consoled and reassured her. After that, the girl saw them a couple of times - they showed her some numbers and calculations. There were 5 months left before the promised return …


We got it. Here it is. Here is the node. How to get to him? How to explain to this girl that there will be no daddy, that he will not come back? How do you get her to react to her grief? What words to find for persuasion? It's such a beautiful fairy tale. A fairy tale that she had been living for two years.

- Anna, tell me, is this your behavior - in order to keep control over the family until dad returns? So you are a bit of a dad? Do you want to bring your brother to reason, to direct your mom in the right direction?

- Yes. You know, I'm tired. There is very little left …

- Good. Dad will be back. And what will he see? Caricature of yourself. Where is his daughter? Do you really think that he will not want to see you, - and carefully added: - Anyuta …

The girl didn't cut me off for the first time:

- You know, as "Anya" I am very weak. Then I will have to bellow the rest of the five months …

I grabbed a thin thread and did not know how not to miss it.

Anya and I began to restore time from the point when the family found out that dad was sick. I asked the girl to recall the entire chronology of events. She didn't resist. After all, I already possessed her secret - and now that someone knew about it, it became easier for her.

Anna came to the next consultation in a girl's blouse, although all in the same jeans and boots. But with a different backpack.

We began to remember. Anna is daddy's daughter, they adored each other all their lives. Dad often said that he loves his son very much, but Anya is the most important person in his life, that he can live without everything and everyone in the world, but not without his daughter.

Anya and her brother immediately noticed that dad became pale, lost weight, and her parents were somehow whispering about something badly. The brother was informed about what had happened soon enough, Anya was told only after some time. Dad spoke to her very frankly:

- It happens. Probably my time has come. I don't want this at all. But you have to accept it. Let's do together all that we dreamed of. There are six whole months for this. And this is 180 days. And this is a lot!

Anya was hysterical, did not want to listen to him, did not believe that doctors were powerless, demanded that wealthy grandparents pay for her father's expensive treatment in a German clinic. But it was all to no avail - the verdict was final.

Dad spent a lot of time with his daughter, talked, watched a movie, read books with her, and when he felt relatively good, the two of them went somewhere. He often repeated this joke:

- Anechka, I never saw how you cook borscht and play Beethoven's Eliza. But I am very happy that I have such a girl as I am - mischievous, smart, cheerful, albeit without borscht and a piano.


Anya decided to surprise her dad. After a week of classes with Lyudmila Alexandrovna in her kitchen, she solemnly invited her father to the kitchen already at home. She put him on a comfortable chair and masterly cooked borscht - from beginning to end, just the way dad liked.

That's not all … Two floors below lived a teacher from the Gnessin School. Anya came to her and set the task:

- In a month I have to play Eliza. I do not know music and will not learn them. I absolutely do not care how you do it. I have money, I will pay what I need. But I have to play!

Twenty days later, she performed Eliza for Dad. Then he said:

- Now I can die in peace. I am the happiest father in the world because all my dreams have come true.

Having told this, Anya burst into tears. I didn't stop her …

- Nana Romanovna, will he come back?

- No, Anh, he will not return.

- But why? After all, everything fits together. And these aunts explained everything to me.

- Anya, he will not return.

- Just do not tell me nonsense that "he is forever in my heart"!

- I won't, Anh. I will not say what is already clear.

- Will it pass?

- It's pain forever, girl. You have to learn to live with it.

- I do not believe you! I do not believe! I do not believe! I often feel him next to me. You know, after the funeral, I sat and looked at his photo. I wanted to cry a little. Everyone told me that it was wrong, that I should cry … I was looking at his photograph and suddenly felt him kiss me. Truth! It was even wet on my cheek … I can feel it … Well, don't be silent, say something!

- Anya, he's gone. He left happy. Let go …

Anya fell ill - seriously, with anguish, with a high fever. Her body finally accepted this terrible news: that the pope will no longer be. The fairy tale will not take place. And even in this state, she came to me, saying that only with me can be Anya, Anyuta, can be weak. And he can afford to cry.

Having recovered, Anya brought a family album with photographs of her father, mother, brother. We looked at them for a long time. There were many official pictures of my father …

I asked the girl:

- Anya, but dad, for sure, not only thought about borscht and Beethoven? I'm sure such a tough father had plans for your profession. But, for the life of me, I do not believe that he dreamed that you would become a senior investigator of the prosecutor's office, like him!

- Oh, Nana Romanovna, I won't even talk about it. He had such girly dreams!

- Inject already!

- He wanted me to become an art critic. Film critic.

- Anh, want to guess? He dreamed of becoming a film critic, right? Did you analyze the films?

- Yes. He loved melodramas and was a little shy about it …

- You can choose something of your own. I think he would be happy with any of your profession. And here's another, Anh. Take off your awful shoes! They are scary!

- Do you offer heels? Never!

- Well, not so radically … But you can pick something up!

- And you too! Mom brought a whole heap of clothes from Italy …

- Anh, bring it! At least let's try it.

- Well, Nana Romanovna, are you a psychologist or who? What clothes ?! Let's talk seriously.

- Anyut, come on!

After a while, Ani's mother came to me. She said that, at last, she saw a girl in her child - touching, beautiful, pleasant. And that Anya often comes into dad's office and cries a lot. And recently for the first time I visited my father at the grave: I sat for a long, long time and talked about something with him.

It's time for Anya and me to part. There were two months left before the promised term of the "resurrection".

I remember the girl said to me:

- Surprisingly, it seems to me that dad is still resurrected. In my own way. He is somewhere behind my back. And I feel protected by his love. I now know that I will never see him again. As you say there, Nana Romanovna: "The shortest, but the most difficult phrase in the world:" It is so. " And you have to pronounce it … again I cry …

- "With open eyes," Anna. Anyuta …

Illustrations: artist Silvia Pelissero
