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Video: Truth or Dare with Rape 2024, April

Women who have been "raped by godly truths" often come to me for counseling. Therefore, I will now speak out. I will be specific, rude and unfeminine. The faint of heart is better off not reading. So, the client's request: "How can I accept and forgive …? I turned to tetachylers, regressologists, tarologists, but after a temporary relief it gets worse."

And now - client situations. A woman wants to sort out her relationship with her husband. Relationships are bad. But she still hopes to change something. Request - how to correct your possible shortcomings in order to preserve the relationship. He's a husband.

Another woman was abused by her father as a child. This fact (crime) was never discussed, but in the work with a specialist I "remembered". Request - how to accept and forgive a father? He's a father.

The third woman suffers from the behavior of her brother, who publicly ridicules, insults and humiliates her. Request - how to get out of a depression and communicate with your brother? He's a brother.

From the specialists to whom these women turned, they received recommendations "to accept and forgive; parents are sacred, they must be honored; all people are our Mirror, if something annoys you, it is in you; you must carry your cross and believe; divorce - escape from problems; change yourself - a person will change; you have a karmic relationship until you figure it out - will not let go; leave - it will be the same; you yourself, with your subconscious beliefs, attracted and created such a relationship; learn the languages of love and communicate in the language of your partner; fill out the Radical Forgiveness questionnaire; learn unconditional Love ", etc. Sound familiar?

And now the question is - why accept everything and endure what makes you feel bad? And why do you think it's okay to suffer?

For example, I have an organic intolerance to strong alcohol. If I drink one hundred grams of vodka or brandy, I will be agitated, and then vomit. Why do I need to take hard liquor and endure discomfort?

We have two senses that protect us from physical and psychological danger and, at times, save lives. This is disgust and anger

If I ignore my aversion to alcohol and forbid myself to be angry with those who force me to drink, I will be poisoned. With the psyche as well - if you feel disgust for a person, it can save you, because he does not suit you.

Spending time with some people can be toxic. If you continue to communicate, you will get intoxication. Perhaps you need to get out of contact, or limit communication, because you are poisoned. You don't have to accept everything. You can't take poison. The poison must be spit out. Yes, literally - two fingers in your mouth, and, embracing the toilet, vomit.

In working with clients, this can be the most difficult moment - to help a person admit the truth. And the truth may be that those whom you call "close" are no longer close to you and behave like strangers, like enemies. How to determine? By actions and consequences. Learn to say no, not accept, disagree with what is not right for you. Break down what doesn't work to create something completely new. Or not create. For - in Fig.

Now about the mirror. Mirrors are different. There are curves, split, cracked and cloudy. The qualities of a person (mirrors) can be associated with his upbringing, past experience, environment. You have nothing to do with it. You are not responsible for misrepresenting it. You are only responsible for your choice - where to look. Personally, I choose to look and be reflected in the eyes of people who love and respect me.

And what happens to those who look into the abyss or into the eyes of Viy, - Gogol convincingly described. That a rapist father or a sadistic brother can be a teacher is nonsense. He is not a teacher. He is a rapist and a sadist. Dot. Immoral, aggressive, spiteful, cowardly, mentally unhealthy person. Why shouldn't you feel anger, disgust and fear towards him? We have the right to create a safe life for ourselves, a welcoming environment and a clear distance from toxic people. Even if they call themselves "close." No family ties mean that you need to endure bullying, humiliation and insults. Moreover, it is our duty to defend and protect ourselves, our space, our family from alien invasion. Each person is a state with borders. The person determines the laws of his state himself. For violation of laws, he has the right to deport. And the responsibility is to understand yourself and honestly admit "what I want." Identify your needs and communicate them to others. Clearly state what suits you and what does not suit you, what you like and dislike, what you agree to - and what you will not agree to categorically. Because this is your life. Otherwise, they will use you and walk on you with their feet, like on the street. Because you are not.

And now about why they give "godly advice." I have the audacity to strongly doubt that the majority of esoteric populists have at least a basic psychological education and, in general, an understanding of what happens to a person in crisis situations and how the psyche works. Most often, they are afraid of difficult feelings (including their own), do not know what to do with them and do not understand the processes.

The rest is marketing. I do not claim that I know everything myself. There are requests that I will not undertake, because I admit my incompetence. And I send the client to higher-level specialists - as a rule, to academic psychologists.

Despite the fact that I have been engaged in esoteric practices for more than twenty years, I completed eight courses of the American Institute of Thetahealing, received additional education as a psychotraumatologist and continue to study.
