How To Get Rich Without Connections And Start-up Capital?

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Video: How To Get Rich Without Connections And Start-up Capital?

Video: How To Get Rich Without Connections And Start-up Capital?
Video: Can Anyone Become Rich Without Startup Capital, Connections Or Luck 2024, April
How To Get Rich Without Connections And Start-up Capital?
How To Get Rich Without Connections And Start-up Capital?

Every woman dreams of being rich and successful. But very often these dreams are shattered on the rocks of beliefs that you can get rich in such ways - either have rich parents who left an inheritance, or have the right connections. The same way young girls think that they can solve their financial problems by marrying a wealthy and beautiful, but with experience comes the understanding that mesalliance is not suitable for everyone. This forces the expectations to be lowered.

All these ways to get rich are wrong because a person's financial level primarily depends on his way of thinking, and not on external factors and luck.

There are 2 types of motivation - striving for success and avoiding failure. How it works in life will be discussed further in the article.

In the 90s, in many schools there was a question of school uniforms, in order to hide the difference in clothes between children of rich and poor parents. It was believed that if children from wealthier families stood out, then this would give them another reason to offend those who are simply dressed. The school administration wanted to avoid possible conflicts between children as much as possible. But is this decision really that good if you look at it in the long term?

Indeed, at the moment when a poor child looks at a rich one, he can feel envy and resentment, feel his contemptuous look on himself. But will it break the psychologically strong person? No, the child will have additional motivation to achieve success - be it sports, study, or the ability to unite the same people around him. Likewise, in adulthood, this memory will stimulate him to change his financial condition, to achieve more in business and career.

There are no families in the post-Soviet space where capital is inherited. All the rich at the start had equal financial conditions with the poor. They have achieved success through their personality and dedication.

The reasons that made the poor poor:

1. Fear that there will not be enough money

A woman who is constantly worried about what she will live on if something happens and saves money for a rainy day - denies herself pleasure. Thus, she steals from herself, because she is deprived of the opportunity to get vivid, inspiring impressions, and useful acquaintances that can suggest new ideas to her. Her consciousness is covered with this fear, so her life is stable, boring and monotonous.

For comparison, I will give an example of how women act in France. France is a European country, life in it is quite expensive, salaries are average. There are many French women with average earnings who visit stores such as the "Territory of Cheap Prices" (next step after second hand). So, if they need to look decent, they will buy themselves a coat, and a dress, and shoes, and a brooch, no matter how much money it costs them. They get pleasure from this, and in their minds there is an attitude “Money is joy”. They will not regret how much bread could be bought and how many days to work, they, unlike many of our women, have no idea that money is a problem.

Reading these lines, you may feel indignation, because you probably remember Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant". "You can't live one day, you need to manage money wisely" - the parental attitudes began to speak in your head. But there is a downside. When a woman is too focused on making the most rational use of the amount that she owns, lightness leaves her behavior. She will think about where to find discounts, compare prices in all stores, she may feel that many want to cash in on her, and she will choose proven standard behaviors. It would never even occur to her that the same time could be spent looking for new ways to earn money. A person who can easily create the required amount spends money more easily, treats his mistakes more easily and tries something new with interest. This will expand his capabilities and horizons.

He who looks at his feet does not see the sky. Steve Jobs - the genius of our time said - "If this day was the last in my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today?" There is no need to put off life until later. It is a big mistake to think that happiness will come when a car, apartment, or a rich admirer appears. If there is no joy and pleasure in today, it will not be there in a year.

2. Uncertainty in their abilities and in their professionalism

A girl who has this fear perceives an invitation to an interview with a company as a kind of favor. She will repeatedly express her recognition that they have condescended to her modest person. She initially perceives herself as small and incapable, and the company as large and influential. And in this she loses because, with such a perception, she will not be offered a high position and a good salary, since it is immediately obvious that she will be ready to give all the best and for a symbolic payment.

In order to successfully pass interviews, it is important to be in a peer-to-peer position. The company chooses an employee, and the employee chooses the company. If this company does not work out, it will easily find a replacement for it. A woman with such an inner attitude will be offered much more interesting options.

What if you have such a fear? To do this, I recommend making a list of all your skills, talents and strengths. I am sure that when you see this list yourself, you will be surprised that it is large enough, and you have a lot of reasons to be proud of yourself. Perhaps some skills are not enough, but you can easily learn this, you just have to want to. Investments that are invested in yourself always give the best results.

3. Fear of borrowing

What is business? Business is about attracting foreign capital, hired labor and organizing the process of making a profit. People who are engaged in business attracting other people's money are confident that they will receive income and repay debts - this gives them the strength to act. Even if they fail, they will still find a sponsor, bring together two people they need, receive a percentage for the service, or come up with a new project. They keep their nose downwind all the time. Always in the subject - what, where, and who is interested. They have a broad outlook, innovative thinking, they are not afraid to take risks because they are driven by the desire for success, while others, fearing failure, are inactive.

Here is the story of a friend of mine. The girl dreamed of a car, so she looked through the ads. She came across a variant that she took as a sign of fate because the bright orange color of the car went well with her new handbag. She did not have her own savings, so she borrowed money. The next day, at an intersection, an accident happened, in which her wing was crumpled. She did not have time to arrange insurance, but she was recognized as mutual guilt, so there was no need to expect money for repairs. And what did she do? She again went to friends and collected the necessary amount for repairs. A month later, she got a good job, began to show excellent results there, and thanks to successful deals for the company, in three months she completely paid off her debts. And six months later I was already resting at an expensive resort. She believed that she was able to solve this problem, and therefore she achieved success. I think that if she had not started to get involved in the venture with the car, then even now she would have remained in the same place. And so the debt served as a positive stress for her, which stimulated her to think, find non-standard solutions, take risks and, as a result, grow financially by several levels.

The reasons that made the rich rich:

1. Work for yourself

When a person works for hire, he gains confidence in his abilities and experience, he realizes that his salary is a small piece of the income that the owner receives. This does not suit him, and he begins to think about how to become an owner himself. To do this, you will have to give up a stable salary at certain dates and go free floating. You will need to take responsibility for yourself for what will be on the table tomorrow - bread, bread and butter or black caviar. A person who strives for wealth is not afraid of what will not be enough - if necessary, he will take out a loan, create a new project and eventually get what he wants. It is important to have this kind of thinking, but it does not matter for a woman whether she does it herself or help her man.

2. Contact with your aggression

The ability to be in contact with your anger and success in life are directly related. A woman with a passively aggressive attitude, looking at the success of another, will say, "You can't earn a lot of money in an honest way - they stole!" And he will go on watching TV shows or discussing the news with a friend. And a girl who is in contact with her anger will say - “I want that too. And the tree sticks, the worse I can and the better. " It will go and do it. Dealing with your anger gives you the opportunity to challenge yourself. Go into the unknown. After all, no one will give guarantees whether there will be success or not.

3. Investing in the future

A woman who strives for wealth chooses bold projects. For example, if she is planning to open a beauty salon, then she will immediately choose a convenient location for clients, make design repairs, hire qualified personnel and invest in advertising. She makes investments in her future, which will bear fruit because when customers come and love this place, then it will bring a good income. If a woman strives not to win, but not to lose, and in case of failure, to reduce debts as much as possible, then she will choose a fast room, cheap furniture, staff who agree to work for a minimum wage, and in the end she will be convinced that a beauty salon is a bad business.

This example shows how a woman herself falls into the trap of her fears and anxieties, and as a result, she remains at the level of poverty.

There is another nuance that hinders a woman in her desire to get rich - this is responsibility for her children, therefore a stable salary and work for someone is more attractive to her and no one has the right to condemn this choice. But it is important to emphasize that this path will never lead to financial freedom. I am in favor of awareness. When deciding to become a rich woman, you will have to part with many of your habits and beliefs, choosing stability and the current level of income, it is worth letting go of the desire to be rich.

A girl who wants to marry a wealthy man should also think about the fact that she needs to change her thinking. A strong man can easily create an alliance with someone who does not have capital at the moment if she understands his psychology, his business strategies and supports decisions. If, because of her fears and beliefs, she sticks in his wheels, then such an alliance will not last long, or they both will slide to the usual level for a woman if she can impose her thinking on him.
