How To Manage The Universe Without Attracting The Attention Of Orderlies. The Psychology Of Reality

Video: How To Manage The Universe Without Attracting The Attention Of Orderlies. The Psychology Of Reality

Video: How To Manage The Universe Without Attracting The Attention Of Orderlies. The Psychology Of Reality
Video: LECTURE 4 2024, April
How To Manage The Universe Without Attracting The Attention Of Orderlies. The Psychology Of Reality
How To Manage The Universe Without Attracting The Attention Of Orderlies. The Psychology Of Reality

I have long wanted to write an article on pseudopsychology. The last straw for me was a girl who in a Facebook group asked the following (I shortened the question):

- I was sitting on a bench, a man sat next to me. I looked at the phone, after a while I looked at that guy and saw that he was jerking off. What's wrong with me?

I re-read several times to understand the meaning of her question, my brain simply refused to think so. What do you mean "what's wrong with me" ?? There's something wrong with that guy! Weird question!

What is the question, this is the answer, right? And, of course, they wrote to her from all sides, how she "pulled" this situation. They started by saying that “they feel your fear,” then they dragged in birth trauma and family dynamics, and ended up with a universal design and incorrect requests to space. Then I quote this nonsense and write what the psychologist (that is, I) thinks about it.

- It's your family dynamics that works. Sign up for a constellation.

Since when has client family dynamics governed the behavior of exhibitionists in Russia? Are you saying that the client's maternal grandfather cheated on his wife in 1946 and now the universe is restoring balance by sending us psychos? That guy doesn't even manage himself very much. I would have understood if the arrangement was offered to him. It might work.

- So, inside you there is something that translates the attraction of such people and situations into your life. Open your eyes and relive what is deep within you, from the past. You will see that everything will turn over.

It's generally cool here. It is understood that the client herself unconsciously controls the behavior of the masturbator. Can you imagine what a cool gift a girl has? Urgently to the battle of psychics. Imagine a conversation:

- What can you do?

- I know how to attract masturbators sitting on a bench. Give me a shop and 20 minutes, I'll pick up a bunch of them for you.

The only problem is that as soon as she “lives her past,” the gift will probably disappear. It's a pity! Such a gift was! Such a power!

Here's another stunning gem:

- The Universe is testing you. Do not sit on the phone, walk with your head up and a clear face. Then no one will approach you.

Hug and cry! How easy it turns out to be to control the behavior of mentally ill people! Why didn't they teach us this in the psychiatry internship? Colleagues psychiatrists, the recipe is found! You see a maniac with an ax - walk in with your head held high and your face clear. The Universe is testing you, this is the test. For what? Apparently, on the adequacy.

And the second is the same.

- Send the correct requests to space, apparently, you were not heard that way.

This is how I understand it: we are controlled by space, only it is deaf and a little dull. He heard wrong and sent a masturbator instead of … and instead of what, by the way? A pianist? Barista? Three hundred?

Well, there is such a technique, okay, psychologists even use it sometimes. You can also send a request to space, it's not a pity, if only it helps the client. But it always seemed to me that any sane person understands that he is not talking with some kind of space at this moment, but with his unconscious, and is trying to manage only his own life, and not other people. By this time, I was already so overwhelmed by these comments that flew into deep space that I even composed poems:

No matter how you form a request, You will get from space …

Snapped, let go a little)

Finally, what does not fit into any gate at all:

- You subconsciously want to be brutally raped.

The person who writes this does not seem to realize how harshly he rapes the author of the question with this phrase. That is, she is not just "self-defeating", but also wants it. Cool he came up with, right?

What I really liked was that there were a lot of adequate people in the group too. And even much more. And that fellow psychologists did not write such nonsense (well, okay, okay, well, almost never wrote). Psychologists still wrote something like:

- It's not about you at all, it's about him. It can be with anyone. You are not responsible for what is going on in his head. You take too much on yourself.

Balm for the heart. Colleagues, I'm proud of you!

What I don't like about it. The fact that all this pseudo-psychological dregs about the management of the Universe revolves around a normal, high-quality and working psychology, without attracting the attention of orderlies. As a result, when I hear the words "family dynamics" and "constellations", I personally become tense, because this poor family dynamics is now credited with anything, and constellations "cure" global warming. Bad roads? It was your grandfather who drank, so the family dynamics is bad, you urgently need to be consigned! Is the TV broken? Gestalt will help you!

A fellow psychiatrist told a great story on this topic. Relatives bring a schizophrenic patient to him and say that they were with a psychic. The psychic saw that the damage was imposed on the guy and began to remove it. He worked a lot, took a lot. And with great difficulty, but he took it off. Everything! No spoilage. Cool? Cool! Well, about schizophrenia, he says, it's for you guys … a psychiatrist.

Friends, there is psychology, and there is psychology, let's distinguish them. Family dynamics, constellations, gestalt and other psychological terms are words that have their own meaning and do not need to be attributed to them that they cannot. Do not think that you can control the universe with the help of psychology. This is wrong. Otherwise, psychologists would have taken over the whole world long ago. Psychology helps to manage - yourself.

People find it difficult to withstand the idea that reality is unpredictable, and the mentally ill are uncontrollable and can approach anyone. This thought is frightening, there are no guarantees of safety in it. In reality, there are no guarantees at all, only chances and probabilities. How to live in such an unpredictable world? It is fear that makes you come up with some kind of magical idea in order to protect yourself. Spit over my left shoulder three times - nothing bad will happen. I will look in the mirror - everything will be fine.

With regard to the psyche, it sounds like this: if we send the correct request to space, live our past before conception and work out the family dynamics until the seventh generation, then nothing bad will happen to us, all the dangers will bypass us, we will not have any problems in life, we will never get sick, we will live 100,500 years, deceive the Eagle (hello Castaneda) and become superhumans with superpowers. This is wrong. This is a path to severe disappointment.

Then these people get depressed and come to me for a consultation with something like this request:

- I correctly send requests to space, I am “you” with the Universe, I always go to sleep with my head to the east, I recite a very strong mantra 108 times a day, I was trained on biopsychoenergo … something is there, but the troubles in life are still for some reason- then it happens. What's wrong with me?

I answer them:

- You are trying to control the Universe, but it does not obey you. I understand your disappointment … Maybe let's start small? The wrong person sat next to you on the bench - drive him away or leave yourself. I'm sure you can cope without the help of space.

Believe it or not, it always works. Because this is psychology.

With the help of psychology, we will really learn to solve our problems more effectively, but sometimes we will still need the help of others, we will become better to protect ourselves from dangers, but they will not disappear to the end, we will get sick less often, but sometimes we will still, and we will live as long as we can, hardly even up to 100, quite ordinary, more or less healthy people. This is what psychology offers. Not much, but not too little. Reality. We have no other. Will you take it or will you look elsewhere?

Alexander Musikhin, psychologist, psychotherapist.
