Is Female Appearance Important For A Man?

Video: Is Female Appearance Important For A Man?

Video: Is Female Appearance Important For A Man?
Video: Science Proves Women Pick Men Based On APPEARANCE 2024, April
Is Female Appearance Important For A Man?
Is Female Appearance Important For A Man?

Few women care about their own appearance without thinking about men.

Is female appearance important for a man?

Whatever it was, but in the depths of her soul, every woman wants to attract and attract men to her.

Some women are deeply convinced that "A man loves with his eyes." This is true, but men's eyes, or rather a look, is very different from women's.

Many women truly believe that looks are crucial in attracting male attention and are willing to spend a lot of money and energy maintaining an attractive appearance.

In attraction may be, although, the fact is not proven, how many not beautiful women enjoy great male attention.

But that's for sure that it will not be possible to keep a man with his beautiful appearance.

Others, on the contrary, forget so much about their appearance that they simply turn into untidy women, deeply convinced that if a man loves, he must love her beautiful soul.

Both opinions are wrong.

Very often, women just complain that a man does not notice little things, does not notice changes in her appearance, the color of the nail polish, in a new dress or underwear.

And it is true.

You see what the paradox "A man loves with his eyes" turns out, but does not notice such details. Yes, a man does not notice details, but often he may not react very well to a sharp change in the image of a woman (hair color, hairstyle, other style of clothing). He needs time to get used to the innovation.

The man does not react to the color of the hair, but to the image of the woman as a whole. He notices how the image of a woman has changed, become different, although often he may not even immediately understand what exactly has changed in a woman.

The female look is different, it is in the female perception of the world to pay attention to the little things - the spoken phrases, views, details of appearance.

These are women who focus on some details of their appearance, worry about their small breasts, thin lips, ugly nails or insufficiently long legs. A woman does not perceive her image as a whole, she sees details - hair, hands …

Many women have a belief in male preferences in female appearance.

Many believe that large breasts attract the attention of men. This is wrong.

Many men talk about how they love it when a woman's breasts fit in his palms.

Some people think that big full lips are the object of sexual desire, this is also not the case.

Lovely women, you should know that men do not care about separate parts of the body and appearance, they are prone to generalization and abstraction.

When examining any object, for example a table, a man embraces the whole image.

Convenience, size, functionality.

The woman sees the color, the pattern.

Men are oriented towards the outside world, they capture the picture of the world as a whole and quickly, without focusing on individual details.

So a man perceives a woman entirely.

These are women who evaluate each other and themselves in detail: clothing brand, manicure, breasts, shoes, handbag, hairstyle.

We can spend this time thinking about what color to paint on our nails.

I think if a woman does this for herself, her mood depends on the color of her nails, her self-esteem depends on the number of shoes she bought, then so be it.

But a woman should understand that all this is not important to men.

When women part with each other, then anyone can clearly remember some individual details of their appearance, clothes, accessories, but the whole image can slip out of memory.

And in men, on the contrary, the whole image is fixed, but he does not remember the details.

He may not even remember the color of your manicure or dress. I think many of you are familiar when a man on your not new dress asks you a question: Have you bought a new dress.

I know that many women take offense at this, believing that a man is not attentive to them and that he does not care what she is wearing.

The image that men perceive includes everything - figure, clothes, nails, hair, smell, facial expressions, demeanor and conversation, gait.

Therefore, it is enough that these details do not stand out enough to be remembered as negative.

If a woman has incredibly long and unusually painted nails, of course this will fix and catch the eye, or if it is unkempt and neglected nails, then they will remain in the memory of the man too.

If there is a lot of artificiality in a woman's body, lips, breasts … On the contrary, these details as a whole will create an artificial image.

The image of a woman should be well-groomed, if a woman takes care of herself, first of all, her inner world, then she cannot be sloppy, but she will not spend hours every day in the salons - giving preference to appearance.

Of course, there are men who are only interested in female appearance, they need a woman in order to show her to others, so that other men would appreciate him, since such a woman is with him, then he either has a lot of money or a big dick.

But as a rule, this attitude is no different than buying an expensive car or jewelry.

For a man, such a woman is an attribute of his successful life.

The inner life of this woman does not interest him. And it doesn't hurt that such women have a rich inner life, if in a relationship they are satisfied with the role of an expensive accessory.

If a deep relationship is important to a woman, then she will not focus only on her appearance and will not be very concerned about her.

Taking care of herself every day, playing sports, keeping an eye on her diet, spending time in the fresh air, she will have a good natural complexion, normal weight, body plasticity … of course, due to her feminine nature, she will pay attention to her appearance and skin care, but it will not turn into an obsession and will not be time-consuming.

Paying great attention to appearance and wanting to drive men crazy, a woman will be doomed to be disappointed that, despite her fabulous appearance, she does not feel loved and happy.

Very often observing the facial expressions and movements of unusually beautiful women, one can notice a transparent neglect, fatigue, arrogance and arrogance.

Meeting such a woman, an intelligent man first of all considers this information, and not her beautiful appearance.

The idea of men about female beauty is somewhat different than that of women.

For men, the general impression that comes from the woman is important and he really does not pay attention to the details.

If a woman wants to be attractive to a man, then it is better if, instead of spending time in the salons, she devotes time to spiritual and personal development.

I think that the woman herself is so important her appearance for her self-esteem and her inner self-confidence that she is ready to spend time and money for this.

As a rule, such women with great fear discover new wrinkles on the face and body, and notice age-related changes with anxiety.

The natural aging process gradually prepares a person for death, changes his thoughts and even possibly his way of thinking.

Many women, by taking care of their appearance, fill a large gap in their inner deep self-doubt, try to cope with the fear of death, try to gain control over time by stopping it in their bodies.

Taking care of herself, a woman gains external confidence and due to this the impression of a confident woman is created, but not every man will be happy to meet such a woman, and if he secretly dreams about it, then first of all he will want to become the only one for such a woman …

I want you lovely women to understand that of course you need to take care of yourself, but not prioritizing it, not spending whole days on it, or doing plastic surgery.

Don't focus your attention on details.

Remember, men do not pay attention to specific details - breasts, legs, etc., they perceive the whole image.

If some part of your body is far from perfect, do not think that this will be noted by a man, in general, in your image this detail will dissolve for him.

Take care of the look, not the details.

The image is the appearance intertwined with the inner state.

If you are well-groomed and well-dressed, but at the same time laugh loudly and every minute, walk with leaps and bounds, make sudden movements, then no matter how dressed and well-groomed you are, this will not attract male attention.

Remember the image is a state.

This is your mood, your perception of the world, your attitude towards yourself and people, your naturalness, your smile, your kindness and humanity. Mysteriousness and inaccessibility, the promise to be forever his, but do not forget - you are a woman, you promised today, and tomorrow you forgot.

Remember the oriental dance, how a woman dances … because she opens her body parts and closes them.

She comes close and immediately runs back.

This is an eternal game … the desire to merge in a single ecstasy with a man, and then leave him in the desire to be alone.

An image is a state. And the state is the inner music of your soul. The music of your being.

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Best wishes, Irina Gavrilova Dempsey.
