Female Sexual Complexes

Video: Female Sexual Complexes

Video: Female Sexual Complexes
Female Sexual Complexes
Female Sexual Complexes

Women's sexual complexes are characterized by a woman's negative emotional overtones (feelings of dissatisfaction, fear, sin) associated with sexual relations and have a significant impact on both her sex life and behavior in general.

Complexes not only undermine a woman's self-esteem, contributing to the emergence of neuroses, depression and depression, but can also cause her loneliness, since they greatly complicate the ability to build relationships with men. Sexual complexes can contribute to a woman's aversion to sex and even fear of it. They can easily destroy not only the psyche of a woman, but also her relationship with her beloved man, because he may decide that she is simply unpleasant to be with him and she has no feelings for him.

The roots of most sexual complexes originate in early childhood and are the result of improper upbringing (for example, constant harsh criticism of parents), as a result of which a woman will be dissatisfied with the appearance of her body and is convinced that it is unattractive to men.

In many women, such complexes can also form in adulthood under the influence of constant criticism from a husband or lover, or when women who betray a very great importance of their own appearance, with horror begin to notice how their bodies are gradually aging and withering (closing doors panic complex) … Some women find it very difficult to come to terms with the fact that after childbirth their breasts become not as elastic as before, and folds appear on their stomachs. Women who strive for the ideal, having seen enough of the beauties from the pages of magazines and comparing themselves with them, will critically and meticulously evaluate every centimeter of their figure, carefully looking for flaws in it.

Often they do not even admit the thought that men are not interested in the absence of cellulite on their thighs, but in their passion, temperament, relaxedness and the ability to be a good lover.

A loving man can help get rid of this kind of sexual complexes - his desire, an admiring look and compliments. But women with severely low self-esteem, who think of the presence of shortcomings, which in fact do not exist, need the help of a psychotherapist.

Sexual complexes in women can appear as a result of psychotraumas arising from unreacted stress, which has a sexual underpinning and eventually goes deep into the subconscious of a woman, causing her fear or disgust at the thought of sex. For example, such as:

• severe punishment of a girl for child sexual play, accompanied by an explanation that such games are disgusting;

• instilling in the girl that sex life is sinful and disgusting;

• a situation when a child accidentally sees intercourse and interprets it as a form of mutual bullying of people;

• the chaotic personal life of the mother, which the child observes (when the daughter constantly sees how one friend of the mother is replaced by another, without lingering in her life for a more or less long period of time, she may get the impression of men as unreliable, unfaithful and not capable of a serious and long-term relationship);

• incest, the victim of which, the child has the opportunity to recover from the shock only with the qualified and timely assistance of experienced professionals;

• the fear that physiological manifestations of sexuality can cause in an unprepared child - masturbation, spontaneous erections, menstruation, erotic dreams, etc.

When receiving sexual trauma, a persistent emotional block arises in the subconscious of a woman, which prevents her from treating sex as a normal and natural phenomenon in the life of any adult, and getting pleasure from it.

It is possible to get rid of the consequences of childhood sexual trauma only with the help of an experienced psychotherapist who can remove the cause of the trauma from the subconscious of a woman and neutralize its influence.

Sexual trauma experienced already in adulthood is most often associated with:

• sexual illiteracy of a woman or her sexual partner;

• tactless and rude statements of a man who plays out his sexual problems on her, accusing her of frigidity and coldness in order to drive away thoughts of his ineptitude and sexual inadequacy;

• early onset of sexual activity, especially if the first sexual partner showed rudeness, tactlessness, or immediately after sex lost all interest in the partner;

• rape, as a result of which a woman ceases to associate sex with love and tenderness, and a persistent and insurmountable enmity arises towards men.

Improving a woman's sexual literacy (reading special literature, studying her own body, talking with a partner, etc.), contacting a sexologist or psychotherapist will help to get rid of such traumas.

In sexology and psychology, the following complexes of women are also distinguished, which can be associated with the heroes of children's fairy tales, mythical images and legends of ancient legends:

• The complex of Pallas Athena (manifested in a violation of the socio-gender identification of a woman: she seeks to play roles characteristic of a man (father) than a woman (mother). The ideal partner for such a woman is an infantile man with whom she could perform a patronizing role);

• The Alice in Wonderland complex (associated with the tendency of women to dream, inventing imaginary partners for themselves, endowing them with certain qualities and behavior. In real life, such women seek to find a partner who will meet their imaginary expectations. The pathological nature of this complex is manifested in the fact that that with a discrepancy between the real and the imaginary world, a splitting of the personality can occur: despite her existence in the real world, a woman begins to pay more and more attention to the imaginary world);

• The Amazon complex (women with this complex regard men only as a necessary element of the conception process, otherwise they treat themselves and their inherent qualities with disdain);

• Diana's complex (consists in giving an overvalued value to virginity, which may be associated with a delay in sexual development of mental origin or narcissism);

• Jocasta's complex (manifested in the mother's pathological attraction to her son, his excessive care, the desire to satisfy any of his needs. The natural result of this may be the emergence of sexual attraction, which can lead to incest);

• The Cinderella complex (manifested in the passivity of a woman who expects that fate will give her a chance to meet an extraordinary man, a real fairy-tale prince, who will become her “ticket” to the world of happiness and adventure. the image of a prince on a white horse, and the surrounding reality is empty and boring);

• The Clytemnestra complex (expressed in an unconscious protest against the leading role of men, male violence, which leads to the suppression of sexuality and estrangement from the sexual partner);

• The Kopyushka complex (associated with the complete submission and submission of a woman to a man, a lack of initiative in sexual relations with the preservation of the intellectual and volitional sphere in other areas);

• Xanthippe complex (manifested in the fact that sexual attraction is absorbed by the desire for order, correctness and cleanliness. As a rule, this complex occurs in adulthood and old age in women who have not developed a relationship with the male sex, which resulted in the rejection of the sexual sphere of life and sublimation of attraction into moral and everyday principles);

• Medea's complex (associated with pathological jealousy and vindictiveness of a woman, which can even go as far as committing crimes);

• The Messalina complex (women with this complex believe that in order to be attractive to men, they need to conform to the stereotype of a depraved woman who is easy to seduce but difficult to satisfy);

• The complex of loneliness (occurs in childless women in menopause and is associated with the emergence of a need for motherhood, which can no longer be satisfied. This complex is characterized by a feeling of loss of happiness, pleasure from life and lack of meaning in existence);

• The complex of the Knight and the Libertine (lies in the fact that a woman is looking for both a knight and a libertine in a man at the same time. There are two different types in this complex: The Knight, as the embodiment of masculinity, noble power that inspires confidence, a sense of security, support from a woman who adores him, romantic, pure and innocent, and the Libertine - the personification of a brute, spontaneous masculine power, a supersexual man);

• The Titania complex (manifests itself in the creation in her imagination of the image of an ideal man whom she is looking for all her life. The male ideal is formed under the influence of literary characters, heroes of films. Heroes of novels or actors are included in sexual fantasies - during sexual contact, a woman imagines another If the partner or husband of such a woman does not correspond to the given image, rejection may occur. Over time, as it is understood that the ideal partner has not been found and is unlikely to be succeeded, the woman has a feeling of a lost chance, moreover, she is to blame for the fact that she never found her happiness, she is inclined to consider her husband);

• The Electra complex (associated with the woman's attraction to her father, jealousy and negative attitude towards the mother);

• Childhood complex (manifested in infantility, striving for release from the worries typical of an adult, and the need to make decisions about her own life. Such a woman is afraid of independence and real life, which can lead to sexual failures);

• Victim complex (manifested in victims of sexual violence, when a person develops a feeling that he himself is to blame for being a victim of violence or that he is destined to be a victim. Such deformations of the psyche can increase victimization, increasing the likelihood of being subjected to violence in the future);

• The complex of Western culture (associated with a mechanistic attitude to sex, which becomes one of the elements of human hedonistic aspirations, not associated with romantic relationships and childbirth. This complex is characterized by fixation on the technique of sexual intercourse, used sexual practices. The personality of the partner and his inner world are not is of particular importance, attention is paid only to external attractiveness and sexual readiness);

• The Cain complex (arises in a person who has committed adultery with his spouse or regular partner and is associated with an assessment of his act as base, requiring atonement. The resulting excessive feeling of guilt leads to depression and detachment from the partner);

• The complex of provoked infidelity (associated with the desire for the partner to establish temporary sexual relations with other people. The woman herself often participates in establishing such contacts or requires a detailed story from the partner about his betrayal);

• The Romeo and Juliet complex (found in societies that condemn extramarital sex and is associated with the desire of partners as soon as possible after meeting and the emergence of a sensual attraction to marry, despite the protests of parents and the opinions of others);

• The complex of Tristan and Isolde (common in the cultures of Western civilization, where there is still moral condemnation of premarital sexual relations, but such relationships are quite common. A person who had sexual intercourse before marriage experiences both a sense of guilt and pleasure; after marriage, a sense of guilt no longer manifests itself, as a result of which there is a decrease in libido);

• The castration complex (associated with the feelings of girls and women about their lack of a penis. In women, this complex is associated with a social attitude towards a subordinate position in comparison with a man, which leads to her tendency to dominate power and a masculine style of sexual behavior - frequent changes partners, overestimated requirements for the sexual activity of a partner).

After studying such information, the main thing to remember is that complexes can only be called what prevents a person from building a happy and harmonious relationship with a partner. Between two loving people, everything that happens by mutual consent and gives pleasure to both is acceptable.

After all, the ability to reckon with the desires and preferences of a partner, while not forgetting about your desires and preferences, is a guarantee of a happy and long-term relationship between a man and a woman.
