Psychotechnics For Daily Use. How To Deal With Emotions?

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Video: Psychotechnics For Daily Use. How To Deal With Emotions?

Video: Psychotechnics For Daily Use. How To Deal With Emotions?
Video: Teaching children how to manage emotions 2024, April
Psychotechnics For Daily Use. How To Deal With Emotions?
Psychotechnics For Daily Use. How To Deal With Emotions?

This technique is very simple to perform and is suitable for daily use. There are side effects - increased energy and desire to act. Procrastination does not withstand the onslaught of this technique and disappears without a trace.

Psychotechnics is called The Sedona Method. Sedona is the city in the United States where Lester Levenson, the creator of this method, lived. He literally pulled himself out of deep oncology and cardiovascular disease by his own hair and lived 20 years longer than the doctors gave him.

He realized that all his problems have their own key on an emotional level. Therefore, he developed and applied for himself a very simple and very effective method of releasing emotions.

He presented his method to the world. It is very easy to master it. And it is not at all necessary to be sick with any diseases in order to use it.


The method consists of 5 questions, which are accompanied by a psychophysiological action. And these five questions have to be repeated, repeated and repeated.

If you do this for at least 25 minutes in one segment once a day, you will transfer yourself from the state of "EVERYTHING IS BAD" to the state of "WOW YOU, WHAT IS A COOL LIFE."

Therefore, the emotion release method aims to work with all types of emotions. Long-term practice of its application has already proved the effectiveness and necessity of such an approach.

The Emotional Release Method is a powerful method of training the brain to achieve harmony and, even, accelerate thinking, implemented without any technical means.

This is the healthiest way to deal with your emotions.


This technique has a cumulative effect. Each time you release your emotions, a charge of repressed energy (additional brain areas) is released, helping you to think more clearly, to be more able to act in all situations in a more relaxed and more productive and healthy way. All the released energy is spent on actions, and not on thinking and postponing them.

All those who practice this method note very rapid positive changes in mental and physical condition. In addition, their life goals and plans became clearer to themselves and more positive.

Do not think that, as a result of using the method, a person becomes like an insensitive doll, on the contrary, you regain the ability to experience strong and pure emotions, as in childhood, but without sticking to them for a long time.

And when you start doing this exercise every day, you clean out huge deposits of your resentment, fear, depression, limitations, expectations that have settled down as a burden in your head and in your soul.

And you carry it all like a heavy backpack, feeding it constantly with your energy and suffering from it. Because it is impossible to live with all these thoughts and not suffer because of it. They need to be cleaned out.

If you start investing at least 25 minutes a day into the Sedona method, you start making progress. If you invest 5 times 25 minutes, that's even better.

It can be done on the go, in transport, it can be done in queues, it can be done during breaks, it can be done during lunch, it can be done whenever you want, when your brain is relatively free. You start to get much faster results.

If you teach this method to your child, you will make him an invaluable gift. A gift for life. But provided, if you do, and he does. That is, just teaching is not enough.

A person has to do it. And do this many hundreds of times to get a great result. But the trick of this method is that it is prohibitively simple. It's hard to think of something simpler. Here is Sedona's method - it is to cleanse what rises, what comes constantly, what comes to the surface. You scrub, scrub, scrub, and gradually create the habit of letting go of whatever you think is negative. And gradually your emotional tone begins to rise.

The practice of working with oneself and with clients shows that the use of the Sedona method for 25 minutes a day for a month is enough to get out of the state of chronic rejection of the world, hatred and anger into the state of "oh, I feel good."


What are these 5 miraculous questions?

1st question - what's wrong with me now?

How do I feel now?

What's going on now?

What am I thinking now?

In general, what I have now.

Speak the answer. For example, now I feel anxiety.

2nd question - am I ready to accept it?

The answer must be that it is ready.

Even if you are not ready, even if you understand that what horror, how can you accept it, you say that you are ready. And what is typical, you accept the word "ready". Why do you accept? Even if they unscrew your ear, leg, bite off a piece of your body, and so on, this is already happening. From the fact that you do not accept something, nothing will change. This is happening right now. And while we are fighting this somewhere inside ourselves, we do not have enough strength to change the situation. As soon as we accepted this inside ourselves, it became easier for us, we had energy, we can influence the situation. We can change it.

3rd question - are you ready to let it go?

And the answer must be yes.

If you want to say no, we still say yes.

But you should not try to deceive yourself, but create an intention to really accept and let go.

As long as you look at the situation from the state of "I feel bad", this will only make you worse.

From this state, you will never solve it.

4th question - will I let it go?

And the answer must be yes.

When the fact is released, it stops making you feel unhappy. Why?

Because you accepted what happened. And only when there is agreement with the fact, you can take some action.

Until you have agreement, there is nothing you can do to control your reality. Consent is needed to take the next step. And before that, you are like a ram resting against what has already happened. Well, then die at this point. The Universe will not offer you anything else until you agree - you are bad, and you leave all your strength in this place.

Therefore, if you are pissed off by a problem, first let go of your lamentations about the problem. The point is that a decision made from low-tone vibration states is bad!

5th question - when will I let it go?

And the answer must be "now."

To this answer "now" you are doing a psychophysiological action - you are letting go of your state.

What is “letting go of the state”? It is different for everyone. For some, it is like steam leaves the body and the state is gone. Someone sprinkles rays to the sides ad infinitum, for someone everything evaporates into the mountain heights, for someone it is like dirt flows from the body and goes into the ground, for someone it is like a brick falls, someone drops from oneself this emotion, imagining that it is burning at the stake, someone "washes away" from themselves all emotions under the waterfall. Each has its own way. And this action is very good to accompany with a deep breath and exit.

The main thing is that for you this feeling is completely bodily and tangible.

When performed correctly, the sensations are quite distinct, for example, there is a feeling of a wave from head to toe or goosebumps. Thoughts can also be released, that it will be physically felt.

You let go and repeat again - what do I have now? Chances are, you won't notice much difference after one release.

For example, I feel bad. Am I ready to accept it? Yes.

Ready to let go? Yes.

Let me go?


When? Now.

And exhaled deeply. It's not that bad now, but it's uncomfortable.

Are you ready to accept what's uncomfortable? Yes.

Ready to let go? Yes.

Let me go? Yes.

When? Now.

And he exhaled. There is more energy.

And so 3, 4, 10, 50 times, release until you reach a high-energy state. And what is most interesting, when you feel that you are cool, you want to stop, but no. We must continue. Why?

Some people think that if they let go of this cool state, then what will happen then? How can you let go of a good state? Not at all. When you let go of a wonderful state, an even more wonderful state comes in its place.

At first, you can dwell on the state of "I'm cool", but with practice you will plunge into more and more high states due to the fact that you release all those huge deposits and layers of emotions that you have accumulated.

Therefore, from this method you can get more and more pleasure, more and more levels of vibration, gradually increasing to the state of unconditional love.

And when you do this every day, then you look at the leprosy of your children, and you are fine, they do not float you. Because from a high-vibration state, you understand that this is a normal reaction of a child, he cannot help being mischievous, he develops through this.

This method can be used with bodily sensations, and with emotions, and with states, and with thoughts. Everything is otkazable.

How can this practice be applied?

Better to do it regularly.

After three weeks of regular training, the method becomes automatic and stays with you forever. In the future, it will be enough just to pay attention to your feelings for a natural automatic release to occur.

During this time, you will remove such a layer of everything that you have accumulated, whatever you say in a fairy tale … You will really cleanse your Augean stables

And second, you will learn to FEEL!

You will recognize emotions that you never knew existed.

Try to do Sedona for 3-4 weeks, and you just won't recognize yourself in a month.

By releasing a tremendous amount of repressed energy, you can achieve a state of equanimity in which no person or event can throw you off balance or rob you of a state of calm clarity. You will forget what laziness and procrastination are, because you will have the energy that you used to spend on fighting with yourself, but now you want to let her in real deeds and achieving goals.


The Sedona Method is an incredibly effective and wise way to achieve instant and lasting improvements in your personal and business life. It allows you to better understand and realize yourself, helps to gain health and contributes to the spiritual growth of a person.

And it starts to work only when you practice it, and not just know about it.

So, to summarize 5 questions

1. What's the matter with me now?

2. Am I ready to accept it?

3. Are you ready to let it go?

4. Will I let it go?

5. When will I let it go?

Here is such a wonderful psychotechnique!

Apply, friends!
