How To Ground With Exercise

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Video: How To Ground With Exercise

Video: How To Ground With Exercise
Video: Grounding Exercise: Anxiety Skills #5 2024, April
How To Ground With Exercise
How To Ground With Exercise

Belly and animal, and I also live life. Such similar words in Russian. Ukrainian trochas inakshe - that creature lives, a little bit in the literature, the word lives lives, like life, like life, but creature, like a beast. And there is a lot of truth in this. It makes a lot of sense. Using these words out of habit, you don't think about their meaning. And it is.

And why am I writing this today …

And to the fact that the book * alone prompted me to these thoughts. I want to share both my own and the books.

Man has two centers. I would call them animal and head. The head, he is also the control center, is responsible for everything smart - thinking, intellect, speech, logic and much more. From him, our hands are accurate and skillful, we can analyze, reason and be, in fact, a man - homo sapiens.

But the second is an animal. It is simple and base. He is responsible for walking, want and sex drive. And yes, it is literally below, in the abdomen. And the first one is at the top.

And what's so interesting about that? Yes, the fact that the bottom does not work well for us, often. We are so passionate about progress, competition and success that we throw all our strength into our heads. we load it as if it is one with us and can do everything. And it turns out that we are "centered", as it were, in the head. We walk with her, run around, dress nicely, match and try.

And all would be fine if they did not suffer. Because the head cannot, for example, "want". I mean sexual desire. Of course, thanks to the eyes and the brain, we have an image and we see our object of desire, love, but feelings … They arise in another place and do not live in the head. They go from the heart to the stomach, and sometimes they are born in the stomach. They seethe there, they swim and touch, with the body, head, genitals. And so ideally. Or not ideally, but in a good situation.

And often, the belly of a person is tight, the muscles are armored, beautiful, but tough and matched. And the pelvis is still retracted. And it turns out that there is no place for feelings, they are born immediately flow away, evaporate where they can. If this is a feeling of love and sexual desire, then due to a lack of space in the stomach, they drain into the genitals and seek relief. And if they do not receive it, they simply block and turn into muscle tension, into a corset that does not let the heart down and feelings in the heart. And sex without love is obtained or love without sex.

The Japanese have such a concept as "hara" and it means belly and life at the same time, quality of life. And it is believed that if everything is good with the "hara", then the person is harmonious, his life is balanced, and his movements are natural and unconstrained. This means that the person is centered in the lower body, which is responsible for our unconscious actions, instincts and desires. Darkheim writes: “If a person has a fully developed hara, he has the strength and precision to perform those actions that he otherwise could not do, even with perfect precision, complete attention or the strongest willpower. Only what has been done by the hara is truly and completely succeeded”**. The art of the tea ceremony, floristry in Japan and oriental bodily practices are aimed at its development.

We, Europeans, people of the West, develop our heads and distance ourselves from our nature, our inner self. We forget about feelings and move away from them. And there are reasons for that, but today is not about that.

To bring yourself closer to your natural origin, you need to start with the body. Learn to relax your stomach and ground. Find ground contact with your feet and support. There are special exercises in many bodily practices for this. I would like to cite exercises from bioenergetics, the author of which is A. Lowen. *

Exercise 1. Basic (base) grounding

  • Stand with your feet spaced about 25 centimeters apart and your toes turned inward so that you slightly stretch your gluteal muscles. Lean forward and touch the floor with the fingers of both hands as shown.
  • The knees are slightly bent. The entire body weight should be on the feet, do not transfer it to your hands.
  • Relax your neck as much as possible, let your head hang freely.
  • Breathe freely and deeply through your mouth. Monitor your breathing carefully. For the duration of the experiment, forget about breathing through the nose.
  • Allow your body weight to "flow" forward so that it rests on the front of your feet. The heels may come off the floor slightly, but only slightly.
  • Gently straighten your legs until the hamstrings are taut. The legs, however, should not be fully extended, nor should they be blocked.

Hold this position for about a minute.

- Are you breathing freely or is there something interfering with your breathing?

- Do you feel vibrational activity in your legs? If not, try bending your knees slightly and then straightening them back to the starting position. Repeat this action to allow the leg muscles to relax.

Exercise 2. Letting go of the abdomen

Stand with your feet apart about 20 centimeters and straighten your legs as much as possible. Bend your knees slowly. Without lifting your heels off the floor, push your body forward so that its weight falls on the front of your feet. Make sure that the body is straight, but not rigid (see Fig. 3). Now release your belly (lower part) as much as you can. Breathe calmly and easily for one minute.

The purpose of this experience is to enable you to feel the tense areas in your lower abdomen.

- Can you let go of your stomach?

- Does it remain released after the experiment, or is it pulled back again?

- Does this state make you feel "careless (oops)" or "down (sisya)"?

"Do you feel trembling in your legs? Is there a fear that they might not stand you?"

- Do the breathing movements reach the lower abdomen? Are you belly breathing?

It is advisable to do these exercises regularly, but try to start, you may like it)


* A. Lowen & L. Lowen "A Manual of Bioenergetic Exercises".

** Durckheim K., Naga, The Vital Center of Man. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1962. P. 46.

Photo: Gregory Colbert
