Man On The Way. Pairing Principles

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Video: Man On The Way. Pairing Principles

Video: Man On The Way. Pairing Principles
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Man On The Way. Pairing Principles
Man On The Way. Pairing Principles

I'll start with the path. Each person has a soul, and it leads along its own known, only to her, the most harmonious path.

For many centuries of the existence of the universe, people have sought to create the laws of a moral, correct life, which allowed us people to live together in harmony and prosperity. However, these efforts are not always pure, because the thoughts of people creating the laws of morality led to a large number of distortions that turned everything upside down.

Man is by nature a good, moral and peaceful being, and at his young age, this striving leads to complete confusion and ignorance of his path.

When a person grows up, he learns to distinguish right from wrong and part with most of the illusions about morality. But parting with correctness does not at all mean that a person's desire to be good decreases. On the contrary, many of people continue to strive for harmony and self-development, and this leads them to search for another tool, another support, and this support is internal integrity, ethics, and knowledge is hidden only within the person himself, in the depths of the human soul. Yes, of course, in this search, many get entangled in a web of passion, desires and permissiveness, which is probably one of the mandatory stages of growing up for everyone.

But fortunately for each of us there are universal laws or laws of karma (fate) and they provide inevitable consequences for every choice. These consequences, inner experiences (feelings), the ability to read and eventually distinguish the subtlest shades - make the path clear. Since a person invariably strives for happiness and harmony, this leads him ultimately, irreversibly, on his path. Passing through pain, suffering, fear, aggression, a person becomes free.

What is through and through?

Through and through is the ability to transform, living any negative feeling, and allowing it to transform into a positive one. In general, this is how a person learns his path, on which he and God are, who communicates with a person through the soul. And the soul is experiences and feelings, as well as the ability to understand them at every moment of time and, on this basis, make a choice and correct action.

There are meetings along the way. When a person realizes his loneliness - unity with all that exists, he meets with the cosmos or the universe of another such traveler. And then the meeting takes place. And in order for true expansion, merging, exchange to take place, it is necessary to be free from illusions. This is the only way to meet your people.

Illusions of relationships

A person has a strong instinct for life and reproduction, and he does not allow him to sit down and calm down. Man is not just an animal and he has the principles of paired relationships, which boil down to rather complicated rituals. A person has filled his life with principles that he seeks to adhere to and, accordingly, strives for an alliance with another person who has the same principles, so that together everything would be happy and harmonious. Choosing your soul mate is not easy.

For some creatures of the "human" type, sometimes the lists of principles reach 50 - 100 points. And the partner must always match them. These lists, in the presence of an attraction and a desire to correspond, break, distort each other - killing themselves and all living things that led to the attraction initially. Or, when a person does not find the half advising his (her) principles, he suffers from loneliness.

The instinct of reproduction and pairing at the level of the wired genetic code pushes him to seek and move, and the principles and points do not allow him to find the “half” of a person. It is in such an unhappy situation that more than half of humanity arrives.

However, those who have already found their soul mate are no less unhappy. Are you surprised and ask why? But because there are illusions on the basis of which vaporization (attraction) occurred. And these illusions in sincere relationships will certainly be destroyed, and in insincere ones they will lead to pain and suffering. In both cases, the pairing will disintegrate: either people will reconcile and cease to be alive, resigning themselves to the impossibility of being happy.

What is the way out of this not at all simple situation? The way out is to remain without illusions, meeting people on the way. Realizing that any meeting is wonderful. It has a happy beginning. And you need to meet in such a way that there would be an equally happy ending. With gratitude and letting go. With ease and carelessness, a friendly attitude for the traversed part of the path together. Each person is a gift from God. Because it is a bond of souls that leads to unraveling of pain and inner suffering. In order for this unraveling to take place, you need to learn to see your people with your soul, and with all sincerity to immerse yourself in this short meeting. Also a prerequisite is responsibility for everything that happens in this relationship without blaming and shifting onto the partner. And also the invariable skill of parting and letting go, after a section of the path has been passed together. Over time, such meetings allow you to find one single, an increase in the number of skills for interaction in harmony and love, and this leads to a depth and lengthening of the segments of the path, which souls can walk together. Left without illusions and having mastered the skills of harmony in pairing with gratitude for all the meetings that happened, a person merges in unity with his true real “half”.

This is how the soul helps us find our mate. And here the main thing is not to stop and honestly take your lessons.

How to recognize and distinguish a person on the way?

For this, a tool was created called attraction, attraction. A person on the way is a magnet to which one is drawn, to which it is impossible to feel indifference, which is important and absolutely necessary, with which you want to be together. But the illusions of pairedness, such as love, fidelity, the desire to meet and merge with the only earlier inner readiness, lead to distortions. Each illusion is destroyed and leads to constant pain and suffering and sometimes a stop, loss of faith in yourself and in God. Remaining in a sense of guilt, false shame for their desires, believing that there is jealousy and betrayal, not the ability to forgive and let go, close the way, which means the next meeting. And they plunge into suffering and loneliness, and the loss of their way. Which means separating yourself from the world. And this leads to an inability to self-actualize, distorts the impulses of the soul and, in the end, simply exposes it to a stop on the path or its loss altogether.

Therefore, it is so important to learn to forgive and let go, to truly accept and understand yourself and love. Love for oneself, which leads to the love of the other, the acceptance of the other as he is, the deliverance of expectations of joy in every moment of being, no matter what happens. Leads to the creation and filling of your own and the lives you meet with all this warmth and joy. Joy is the true reason for our meetings and learning to create it is a great science, which is so important to master in order to fill the world with harmony.

And now in more detail about illusions, each separately.

Illusion 1. The illusion of betrayal

Betrayal and jealousy walk together - they are sisters. The origins of this distortion lie in beliefs about attachment, the desire to possess another free person, a lack of respect for the choice of another, and a keen desire to be with that particular person. The more a person is attached to his egocentric desires, the more he is inclined to blame others for what is happening, the more he is inclined to criticism and claims, the more jealousy and feelings of being betrayed are in him. This illusion is about the inability to see your lessons. It is about betrayal of one's ideals, it is about patience and unnecessary adjustment of the goal and objectives of another person. In the end, she is about the betrayal of her soul, which is simply projected onto another, because it is more convenient to blame him. It is about accusing the other of his unpreparedness for unity. Of course, a large amount of pain is hidden in it, from frailty and parting and the inability to let go. A person on the path that meets at some point in life will invariably give the same lesson, give up and betray. And if our soul does not master the art of respecting our path and letting go of any person with joy, without betraying our desire, then this illusion will burn the heart tightly with pain, not allowing and creating unpreparedness for the next meeting. It is important to have your own desire, but not to tie it to a specific person. Knowing that God gives everything we want and do not need to cling to someone who seems to us quite suitable, convenient, or meets all 50 points of the list. When this suitable person begins to be cruel and rude, to create pain in the relationship instead of joy, when the paths diverge, do not betray yourself, your desires and let the person go. So betrayal will go away from life, because you will no longer be able to betray yourself.

Illusion 2. Illusion of pain

The heart is sometimes overwhelmed with pain that another loved one, in our opinion, is doing the wrong thing. And I really want to help, alleviate his suffering, but this does not value his choice, his experience, his path. The pain lies in the lack of the ability to appreciate any experience, in the desire to impose what is right on another, and ultimately leads to the fact that the other goes astray and we are with him. And of course, then the soul gives pain, in order to teach to appreciate any experience and to know the value of painful experiences, illnesses and suffering. When we learn to see and appreciate any mistake we make, to align ourselves back on the path after committing it, making every last bit of experience, while remaining joyful, then we can warmly and without suffering relate to the pain of other lost people, offering them the right help without devaluing their experience. Thus, we part with the illusion of the existence of pain, realizing that pain is just a pointer on our path, turning us in the other direction. God created man to be happy and it is very important to keep your sails to lightness and joy on your way in order to cope with the most difficult feelings and experiences easily and joyfully. This is how the illusion of the existence of pain dissolves. It exists and does not exist at the same time.

Illusion 3. The illusion of fidelity

This is one of the most dangerous illusions of the most devoted and best of us. True loyalty is not a choice once and for all, supported by willful effort and control. This is pure knowledge of yourself, the collected experience and skills in the art of interaction with the willingness to find out your one and only and to remain in that great joy all the time you are together. The illusion of loyalty is destroyed quite painfully and difficult. Complexity is directly proportional to volitional effort and self-control. These are the skills that we develop to be true to our word in order to achieve our goal. Will is a very positive quality that a person needs to develop in order to master the art of keeping his word. And then, when the lesson of will is passed, it is also an obstacle. The will leads to the retention of one's choice of a partner no matter what. Joy, harmony, happiness slowly leave the relationship, but instead of unraveling, we only aggravate and get confused. Because a person who is accustomed to keeping his word, his choice and who wants to be faithful to his partner, stops on his way. A huge number of disharmonious consequences occur in his life so that he can overcome the illusion of fidelity at will. Of course, if the choice of a partner is made and the skill of taking responsibility from two partners has been worked out - this allows you to move in conjunction, the choice at will is sometimes a useful skill to pass hard-to-reach sections of the path. But if there is no way to go together, joy, interest, desire to be in the same space completely leave the couple. And then it is clear that there is no way with this person to go through the required segment of the path. It's important to return to walking alone and let go. The illusion of loyalty breaks down, situations are created with the strongest attraction and interest in other people's partners. There are "betrayals" that do not exist either. Cheating is based on the illusion of distorted fidelity and the inability to let go of a partner. The balance of choice at will and the skill of understanding when the path is over and letting go of each other is important here. Because there are still people ahead of you on the path who cannot go without you to their true happiness, just like you. And, perhaps, together holding on to the illusion of loyalty, you will never meet each other.

Illusion 4. Illusion of love

And the last and most insidious is the illusion of love. I love you - so every human soul dreams of hearing, experiencing and feeling. And when you manage to find spiritual closeness with someone, it seems that happiness has already come. But spiritual closeness, the experience of unconditional love with another human being is not yet a sign of unity forever. Much more is needed for unity. You need to be able to walk in a bundle for each on his own path, meet and part, if suddenly the paths diverged temporarily, find his inner freedom and then only unite with his person in spiritual closeness. But spiritual closeness is so sweet, it leads to the desire to keep a person close or stay close and stop walking, stop parting, stop taking the right and necessary actions on the path of everyone. This is what I call "stuck." Sticking, leads to confusion and mental pain. Since souls in paired intimacy are deeply empathic and sensitive to each other's pain, and have in their high intentions not to offend each other, they stop hurting each other. They lose sincerity, do not communicate important things to each other, stop expressing themselves, and as a result - all this leads to the loss of flight and freedom. Accusations are born, a pulling of responsibility for two, a feeling of guilt that you cannot cope, titanic efforts to return to spiritual closeness and leads you astray for a long time. The illusion of love is the sweetest and most dangerous illusion in pairing. Intimate closeness - unconditional love is ultimately available with any person and eventually ceases to be a great value, which leads to the loss of path and freedom.

When a person goes out on his way, he meets people who help to comprehend each of the illusions. And the attraction mechanism was created in order to meet the right "own" people on the way, and not in order to close a couple of times and forever. And the sooner you can part with all illusions and master the skills of caring, respectful and joyful treatment of each other, the faster it is possible to meet the only person with whom you can walk the segment of the path until the end of your life.

Love and be happy. This article is the result of my many years of personal experience, which it's time to share. I am grateful to all the people on my way who taught me to see and recognize everything that I have shared here.

And instead of a conclusion:

Becoming on your path means one thing - to know your soul, to hear God inside. This gives the acquisition of endless freedom, regardless of all life circumstances and ups and downs of fate. And so, and only in this way, a person gains a connection with the whole world, in which may all living beings be happy and united))). Appreciate each other and remember that you are just people on the way.
