Reproductive Psychosomatics

Video: Reproductive Psychosomatics

Video: Reproductive Psychosomatics
Video: What is Psychosomatic? 2024, April
Reproductive Psychosomatics
Reproductive Psychosomatics

Every year, women's diseases bloom in a violent color. The cysts grow despite being excised. Fibroids take their place in the female body. The eggs are hiding from a 27-year-old girl. The obstruction of the pipes has become just an epidemic among young girls.

Psychosomatics blooms in lush color in those women who live in prosperous conditions. And this is not ecology. It's in the head.

What are the reasons? And how to stop this growth?

The reproductive system, unlike other systems and organs, has a direct connection with the brain. And you can, of course, cut out a cyst, or myoma, cauterize erosion, clean something else surgically. But, if you do not look for a psychological reason why the body grows what it does not really need for life, then cysts will grow, fibroids will develop and smell, and hormones will jump or fall and pretend to be dead.

Psyche and physiology are equal components of our body and they both have the right to vote. But, the control of "flights" is in the field of the psyche. Therefore, if problems arise in the female sphere, you need to go to a gynecologist and a psychologist.

- I kill his sperm, - said the girl at the consultation and the word "kill" hung in the air. This word was so alive, as if she actually took some object in her hands and really killed her husband's sperm.

The girl came with a question - "why can't I get pregnant?" The question did not arise today, and there was an appeal to doctors, and there were analyzes-studies. And the diagnosis was made - her body produced special antibodies to her husband's sperm. Interestingly, as the doctors explained to her, these antibodies are produced by her body precisely on her husband's sperm and with another man it is not necessary that there will be these antibodies. Don't you find this interesting?

Just imagine the picture - the husband's spermatozoa enter the wife's body, and then antibodies stand in the way and block the path. And the egg cell somewhere out there, in its "castle" sits and waits for its knight-sperm. But, the guards - antibodies - were not allowed! So the egg cell did not meet with the sperm cell. The girl did not succeed in becoming a mother.

What does psychology have to do with it, you say? All that we observe is a malfunction in physiology.

And here again we return to the interesting information of this case - antibodies appear only on the husband's sperm and at any moment they can disappear. This is confirmed by doctors.

Go ahead.

Question. Where is the "steering wheel" for controlling your body? Where do the signals to our organs and systems come from?

Brain. Do you agree?

The dominant feature of motherhood is in the cerebral cortex. It is from there that the signal “I want a child” comes. But, in addition to the dominant, there are two more important elements that control the processes in our body - these are the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. The hypothalamic-pituitary system is associated with the Dominant of Reproduction.

To understand how the Dominant and the hypothalamic-pituitary systems interact, imagine that a huge enterprise has a CEO and managing director. So, the Dominant is the CEO who says - we need a child! And the managing director, like a gray eminence, decides whether we will now perform the function of procreation or not. That is, the process is directed by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. It is here that decisions are made on what to do, and then the performers follow. Organs and systems are the executors in the body.

If the hypothalamus sees that a woman is anxious, it does not matter where this anxiety came from. This is known only at the level of the dominant. And then the problem arises at the level of the “managing director” - the hypothalamus - how to keep it out of reproduction.

The psyche has a connection with the somatics and with the body. And if a woman has some kind of internal conflict, then the body can react physiologically. Then they talk about psychosomatics.

Psychosomatics is the body's reaction in the form of physiological problems to an internal conflict.

When the body is unable to cope with a situation, it goes into the somatics. All our relationships are relationships with the world. The transition to somatics is also an escape from tension.

And then it is even more interesting at our large enterprise called "The Female Body". In parallel with the main dominant, an Alternative Dominant and a Self-Preservation Dominant may arise.

The dominant of self-preservation is a special dominant. She must be constantly on alert. We cannot change the world, which is why our systems are always on to monitor hazards. If the body for some reason believes that pregnancy and childbirth for a woman is "dangerous", then the dominant of self-preservation takes the place of the dominant dominant and it will interfere with the life of other systems.

The task of self-preservation for the organism is always higher than the task of reproduction.

- Not to fat. I would live to be, - says the body.

Let's go back to our case described above. In the hands, or rather, in the cerebral cortex of a fragile girl, powerful forces to control her body and unconsciously there was a blockage of reproduction.

Why can't you unblock the barriers to motherhood on your own?

Because we usually try to explain the situation by analyzing and building logical chains. But, the problem is not solved. In the described case, even insemination did not help - the spermatozoa had already been taken and delivered under the windows of the egg, but the antibodies turned out to be stronger and more inventive than a person who decided to deceive nature with a medical procedure.

They tried to solve the problem on a conscious level, but the blockage was put deeper, therefore, the situation when it is impossible to get pregnant and give birth to a child should be looked at not only at the level of the body. The body, which we know a little, we see, we can touch. It is also necessary to look and search for the body, for the consciousness, for the analytical mind, which can explain everything, but it cannot always solve the problem. You need to go deeper. And, often, this is a winding path.

If the blockage was set and sent to the subconscious, then you need to look for it there too.

Disorders in the reproductive system do not harm the entire body, but they have a secondary benefit.

Blockage of pipes, adhesions in pipes do not interfere with anyone's life, but this is a good method of contraception.

Dysplasia of the circus canal also does not harm anyone.

Myoma grows and grows for itself, does not bother anyone. And there is no need to raise anyone. They only interfere with reproduction.

Then where is the benefit, you ask?

Secondary benefit - children are not obtained.

Why is this benefit needed?

This is what you need to deal with. What is behind this contraception.

And here the question arises about the readiness for parenting. Willingness to parenthood is not about "I don't want to", it's about "it doesn't work."

Realize that "I don't need this now." If it is not realized, then we go into conflict. One part of the woman wants one thing, the other wants another.

One option is not to allow the body to work, the other option is to punish the body for it.

If the subconscious task was not to bear the child, the uterus rejected the fetus. And then the gag must be punished for it. And thus, one might say, they sorted out the situation.

The reproductive system can sleep, shut down for a while. This happens in evolution - to stop the ovaries. This happens during wars - women give birth less. Or during a prolonged stressful situation. The woman has no resources and, as a result, we stop the function of the ovaries. There is even such a concept - a hungry monstrosity. Not enough protein, cholesterol. Therefore, a woman and a girl definitely need protein. Milk protein from mom. Good reproduction requires good protein nutrition.

And if the function of the ovaries is not restored, you need to understand the stress factor, to a psychologist.

All organs of the reproductive system have their own separate task. The ovaries are the organs that store and grow eggs.

Where did they come from?

Mom laid it down. Or rather, they were still with my grandmother when she was carrying her mother. The ovaries are a physiological relationship with the female gender. When we talk about the female line, we have a physical continuity.

If the work of the ovaries is disturbed, we look at the relationship with female figures by gender.

To lose the ovaries, - to "cut off" the connection with the genus.

Another function of the ovaries is to grow. And here, if the Amonere, then somewhere there is - "I do not want to perform a female function."

If the eggs do not grow, do not develop, then "I do not want to be a woman." As a woman, as a sexual partner or as a mother.

The depressed function of the ovaries may indicate that there is no partner with whom "I am a woman." There is no strong male factor. There is no one to ovulate.

The ovaries begin to create a woman into a woman during puberty.

Ovarian infantilism - "I'm not a woman," little girl.

Growing eggs requires resources.

Causes of ovarian disorder:

1. "No peasant"

2. "I am no"

3. "I haven't grown up"

4. "I have not yet figured out who I am - a boy or a girl"

Fallopian tubes - meeting point

The fallopian tubes are the meeting point between the egg and the sperm. And if there is such an unconscious task that they do not meet, then spikes and no one will pass.

Inflammation is the environment that will poison and drown everyone.

Spasm of the tubes is not about the sperm, this is about the egg, to prevent it from entering the tube. The spasm is almost impossible to see.

The embryo moves through the tube and you can not release it (disorders of the cilia apparatus, atony of the tube).

An ectopic pregnancy asks an important question - Why shouldn't a woman go into pregnancy now?

The fallopian tube is not a physiological organ, but a muscular one. It can be easily modified. If a woman is constantly in a stressful situation - obstruction of the tubes.

Why are pipes being cut in large quantities now?

Because it's safe. This is how the woman gains control over reproduction. "Whenever I want, then I'll give birth." The tension drops.


The womb is the home for the baby. But, this house can be occupied by someone, for example, to grow fibroids. The body has the illusion of feeding, therefore, it will not go into pregnancy. Fibroids as a way to avoid getting pregnant.

If pregnancy is allowed, then myoma ceases to be a means of solving the problem.

There is an endometrium in the uterus. The endometrium is needed for the fetus to attach. The endometrium is related to how a man fulfills his part in a relationship. The lack of a reliable partner who will provide conditions for the birth of children, dissatisfaction with whether a man is fulfilling his functions, a feeling of loneliness - all this affects the state of the endometrium.

Endometriosis is about a relationship with a man. Reproduction may not be the problem, but sexual intercourse.

Erosion of the cervix, thrush, herpes - by themselves, do not interfere with childbirth. But, if they occur on ovulation, then, accordingly, there is no sexual intercourse - a good method of contraception.

Painful ovulation can be on its own, or it can interfere with sexual intercourse for ovulation. The conflict between the ovaries, which are ready to give birth to someone, and some other part. What is this part that is in conflict - to understand a psychologist.

No period is about accepting your femininity.

Since our body is a whole being, then with the question - why it is not possible to get pregnant and give birth to a child - you need to go to both the doctor and the psychologist. Look closely at the problem from both sides - from the side of the body and from the side of the head and feelings.

The psychologist in this case is a guide to the subconscious. He was specially taught this - how to get there, what to take with him on this path, how to communicate with the subconscious and how to return home changed.

Be friends with your body, with your feelings, with your psyche. Make an agreement with yourself. Look for contact with yourself. And I will be happy to help you with this.

Oksana Lyubitskaya, psychologist, consultant for work with the causes of infertility

1. Filippova G. G. Materials of the seminar "Reproductive psychosomatics"

2. Cases from the practice of OG Lyubitskaya.
