Nerve Cells Regenerate

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Video: Nerve Cells Regenerate

Video: Nerve Cells Regenerate
Video: Binaural Beats - Nerve and Cell Regeneration Meditation Tone 2024, April
Nerve Cells Regenerate
Nerve Cells Regenerate

We say the phrase "nerve cells do not recover" in dialogues, hinting to the interlocutor that you should not worry so much. But what is its origin? For over 100 years, scientists have believed that a neuron is incapable of dividing. And, according to these views, when he died, there was always an empty space in the brain. Stress is known to be damaging to nerve cells. So what happens - the more you get nervous, the more "holes" in the nervous system?

If nerve cells disappeared from the brain irrevocably, then, probably, the Earth would not see the flourishing of civilization. A person would lose their cellular resources before acquiring any skills. Neurons are very "gentle" creatures and are easily destroyed by adverse influences. It is estimated that we lose 200,000 neurons every day. This is not much, but nevertheless, over the years, the shortage can affect the state of health if the losses are irreparable. However, this does not happen.

The observation of scientists about the impossibility of division of nerve cells was completely correct. But the fact is that nature has found another way to recover losses. Neurons can multiply, but only in three parts of the brain, one of the most active centers - hippocampus … And from there, the cells slowly migrate to those areas of the brain where they are lacking. The rate of formation and death of neurons is almost the same, so no functions of the nervous system are impaired.


Who has more?

The amount of nerve cell loss is highly dependent on age. It would probably be logical to assume that the older a person is, the more irrecoverable nerve losses he has. However, young children lose the most neurons. We are born with a significant supply of nerve cells, and in the first 3-4 years the brain gets rid of the excess. There are almost 70% fewer neurons. However, children do not get stupid at all, but, on the contrary, gain experience and knowledge. Such a loss is a physiological process, the death of nerve cells is compensated by the formation of connections between them.

In older people, the loss of neurons is not fully replenished, even due to the formation of new connections between nerve cells.

It's not just about quantity

In addition to restoring the number of cells, the brain has another amazing ability. If a neuron is lost and its place for some reason is not occupied, then its functions can be taken over by neighbors by strengthening connections with each other. This ability of the brain is so developed that even after fairly severe brain damage, a person can successfully recover. For example, after a stroke, when the neurons of an entire area of the brain die, people begin to walk and talk.

Hitting the hippocampus

With many adverse effects and diseases of the nervous system, the regenerative function of the hippocampus is reduced, which leads to a decrease in neurons in the brain tissue. For example, regular consumption of alcohol slows down the multiplication of young nerve cells in this part of the brain. With a long "alcoholic experience", the regenerative abilities of the brain decrease, which affects the state of mind of the alcoholic. However, if you stop in "use" in time, the nervous tissue will be restored.

But not all processes are reversible. At Alzheimer's disease the hippocampus is depleted and no longer fully functions. Nerve cells with this disease not only die faster, but their losses become irreparable.

But acute stress is even beneficial because it mobilizes the brain. Another thing - chronic stress. The nerve cells killed by it can still be replaced by the work of the hippocampus, but the recovery process is significantly slowed down. If the stressful circumstances are strong and prolonged, then the changes can become irreversible.

In addition to slowing neurogenesis under stress, the ability of nerve cells to form connections with each other deteriorates.

Keep the brain youthful

One of the main characteristics of a young brain is the ability to repair itself and maintain its functions. When and to what extent the harmonious replacement of neurons characteristic of youth is disrupted depends on many factors. Some of them are beyond our control, for example, until we are able to deceive genetic characteristics. There are people whose neuronal recovery function is more sensitive to external adverse influences. However, everyone can create more comfortable conditions for their brain.

What can be done:

  1. Minimal stress. Naturally, you cannot run away from all the troubles, especially since there are situations from which it is impossible to escape in a specific period of time. Nevertheless, everyone should take care to minimize stress, and thus prevent irreversible changes in the hippocampus.
  2. Exercise stress. When a person moves, a substance is produced in his brain that has a powerful restorative effect on nerve tissue. Regular physical activity creates very favorable conditions for the regenerative processes in the brain.
  3. New skills. The hippocampus begins to produce young neurons, if there is a need for it. When a person learns or masters a new business, the brain requires large "nerve reserves". Additional forces rush into the area responsible for the emerging skill, and new connections between neurons begin to form there. For this reason, it is always recommended to engage in a hobby, to try yourself in something new. The brain of such a person is always busy and restores itself more actively.
