Men Hate Weak Women

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Video: Men Hate Weak Women

Video: Men Hate Weak Women
Video: Women Hate WEAK MEN! ( RED PILL ) 2024, April
Men Hate Weak Women
Men Hate Weak Women

Should a woman be weak? Of course not.

A weak woman is the worst thing that can happen to a man

Now that the biting headline is backed up by a biting start (which means that attention has been drawn), you can slow down the heat of the disclosure and talk calmly.

Around me, more and more people are talking about the fact that it is right for a woman (yes, yes, it is right) to be weak. After all, such a man likes her much more, and, therefore, she has much more chances of finding a husband. Yes, not anyhow, but good.

As for me, this thesis is slightly erroneous (I put it so neatly). First of all, because there is no clear definition of weakness in it. Well, symmetrically, there is no clear definition of strength. And is it important. Let's start with this.

I propose to consider it like this - a strong person is a person who can solve the issues that arise in his life by himself … He needs to - go to the housing office and agree with the plumber; it is necessary - it will work for the car; it is necessary - he will find what to do on Saturday evening; it is necessary - will say "no". And if it does not work out the first time, he will redo it.

A weak person is the opposite. It is necessary to go to the housing office, but - "I'm afraid of them." You need a car (okay, okay - you want it), but - "they are expensive." It is necessary to take the evening, but - "I do not know what to do." It is necessary to refuse, but - "it did not work out." And so on, in the same vein.

It's obvious that a strong person is a person, first of all, independent … BUT a weak person is not an independent personwho falls without support. That is, if a woman is offered to be weak, she is offered to be dependent, unstable and simply dependent on a man. In my opinion, this is dangerous, first of all, for the woman herself.

For example, she heeded this advice. Became dependent. Met a man and even married him. Then, alas, it didn't work out - they got divorced. Well? Where will she go? What will he do? How will he support himself? He is an adult and an adult in order to provide for himself on his own, no matter whether you are a man or a woman. And the weak cannot support themselves. He can only knock out handouts from a strong one in one way or another. And after a while it starts to enrage the strong.

I conduct many trainings for men, and my brothers tell me a lot. They tell frankly - there are no women at our trainings for men, you can talk frankly. So - men who met, lived or now live with weak women, these women are very unhappy.

It's simple - a man next to such a woman lives at least one and a half life … His - and hers. For example, he takes not only his car to service, but also her. She goes for information to the official not only for herself, but also for her.

And everything would be fine if it was from time to time - after all, that's what a marriage is for, to help each other, including in such matters. But the described does not happen from time to time, but constantly!

As a result, a man chooses either the solution of the next questions of a woman or, for example, a job. It is clear that many people choose to solve the next questions of a weak woman (try not to choose - she will endure your brain that way, you won't wake up until the new year). And it weighs on me. It’s not a question to help your woman, not once. A man he is a man - he solves all problems. The question is that a man pays for this help by giving up his own life. Up to a certain level, this price is quite satisfactory, but above this level …

Enough, though. This is the third time I am going to repeat the thought that it is not the help itself as such that is bad, but the fact that the woman refuses independence … Everyone who saw the first two times already understood everything. The rest … They will take away the note on the network and will swear at me, making free advertising.

So - about weak women. A man, in fact, needs a strong woman who can be there in difficult times.

Here is a simple everyday situation - a man got sick. Don't get the flu there, or the common cold. And he got seriously ill, for six months. How will a weak woman behave next to him, who herself can only sit on Vkontakte? Just about … A strong one will help, support and the man will again stand on his feet.

This is why men love strong women. With them, the strength of a man multiplies, with them you can do more. In the end, they have something to talk about - which is valuable in itself.

For several years now I have noticed that successful men in their thirties have very little interest in young female students. Such men are interested in successful women of their age. Those who have taken place - with a profession, a sober view of the world, a good mind and decent experience.

Why is that? because man and woman are natural allies … And the relationship in marriage is the relationship of allies. And in the pair "strong man - weak woman" there is no alliance. There is only a "donor - recipient" relationship (as in the "strong woman - weak man" pair). Such a relationship is beneficial only for one side, and even then - not for long. Well-established men do not want to waste time on such a hopeless relationship.

Someone will probably want to object, they say, men are afraid of strong women. This is wrong. Men don't like overbearing women (just like women do not like powerful men). It's just that in everyday speech the concepts of “strong” and “domineering” (as well as “weak” and “obedient”) are firmly stuck together and not all of them distinguish between them. And to distinguish is useful.
