When You Have Already Worked Out The Karma Of Love

Video: When You Have Already Worked Out The Karma Of Love

Video: When You Have Already Worked Out The Karma Of Love
Video: Players🎲Omissions🤥Come🔙In Painful😩Storm⛈Continuous♻️Dishonor⚔Toward You💔Ignite🌪Karmic🌪Demise Dead🛑🎭 2024, April
When You Have Already Worked Out The Karma Of Love
When You Have Already Worked Out The Karma Of Love

When you have already worked out your love karma, you no longer need to be afraid. His call, or the fact that he won't call again.

This article was born after reading one of the works of Angelica Bogdanova, who is the author of the phrase: "Work off the karma of love."

When you have already worked out your love karma, you no longer need to be afraid. His call, or the fact that he won't call again. A suitable occasion, or a completely ridiculous, chance meeting.

When you have already worked out your love karma, you can relax. Now you know for sure that your perseverance and influence extends maximum to yourself. It is impossible to influence the behavior of another. You can only accept it or not. And in fact, and in another case, your choice concerns only you. Impossible to be heard - in spite of. As well as understood and important.

You can run a thousand times and beat your forehead against a blank wall, you can write him thousands of letters, you can, you can, you can … Of course you can. But why? If love is not needed by two, then you are just working off this karma alone.

When you have already worked out your love karma, the temperature in your house drops to 15 degrees. You no longer shake from the cold. You no longer wrap yourself up in the warmth and care of your old friends, like a mongrel in someone's things left on the street. But it doesn't throw you into a fever either. Your breathing is even. And not because you don't care. It's just that your core temperature has leveled off, closer to comfortable.

When you have already worked out your love karma, you are not afraid to get burned by a new person. And not so much because of the action of the vaccine. It's just that you've already had it. And you know that even the most severe pain goes away. And you already know how to live your pain, go straight into it, with your head, because you know that the faster you live, the faster the pain turns into sadness.

The pain is paralyzing, immobilizing. Or beats with a whip and chases blindly. And then you run, run, go into some kind of feverish activity, no matter where, if only - away from yourself, just not to feel all this. And sadness allows you to live on. Just as you lived - before him. When you have already worked out this karma, you no longer hurt, and you don’t have to run anywhere. Yes, it is sometimes sad, but it is at least bearable …

When you have already worked out your love karma, you are no longer afraid of loneliness. "Love is a bridge from one loneliness to another" - once you caught your eye and remembered it, fit … You can live without this bridge too. The bridge is certainly warmer, the bridge is about intimacy, affection. But you are no longer afraid of his absence as much as before.

When you have already worked out your love karma, you can choose to love. Indeed, in fact, love is your personal need. Which gives rise to the brightest feelings that a person is only capable of. Which you, as it turned out, are also capable of. You can keep them, keep them. For the moment when you no longer have to work out love as karma …
