Ways To Stay Motivated To Work

Video: Ways To Stay Motivated To Work

Video: Ways To Stay Motivated To Work
Video: How To Stay Motivated - The Locus Rule 2024, April
Ways To Stay Motivated To Work
Ways To Stay Motivated To Work

A bunch of things that all "must be done", while without an increase in earnings, apathetic mood, sluggish gray autumn weather, lazy state of mind, absolute unwillingness to turn on your titanium will and do everything through "don't want" …

In general, as a result, instead of writing a bunch of pages, it is not clear to whom the necessary reports sat down to write this note. I just remembered that somewhere in 2013 I conducted an intervision group for social work specialists, and on that group the topic “Ways to maintain motivation for work” was being worked on.

And the result of the group's work was 12 rules for maintaining motivation. And now I found the file with the rules, processed it a little with a file and share the result with the world.

1. Find interest in work. In any work there are interesting aspects, not very interesting and not at all interesting. The point of the rule is to deliberately focus on interesting parts (as opposed to our cultural orientation to focus on what is most dull and gray). Also, if possible, devote more time, effort, etc. what is interesting to do. In general, put the most interesting part of the job first in the hierarchy.

2. Seek team support. This can be: collective discussion of work issues, general open discussion of problems, search for support in solving their difficulties, take someone else's experience and share your own, accept emotional support and give it to others, joint relaxation in a team, etc. In general, remember that in a close-knit and friendly team, the motivation for work is always higher.

3. Prevention of fatigue. The rule of conscious distribution of the normal work / rest balance. In practical application, this is: to know your limit of the work resource and not to overfulfill it, to do rest on time (remember that the best rest is a change of activity), to properly organize the work schedule and sequence of activities, proper nutrition, etc.

4. Bring positiveness to work. Humor, decoration of the workplace, good mood, etc. And if you change the attitude to work not as a duty, but as a game, then work itself can become a rest.

5. Responsible problem solving. I noticed that in our social mentality it is customary to solve problems according to the principle of a snowball: wait until more accumulates, and then, when the level of problems passes the critical point of absolute insolubility, go into a binge with grief. And naturally, the longer I wait for the problems to be resolved somehow on their own, the more the motivation to work will decrease. So it is recommended: to take responsibility for solving problems in a timely manner, not to wait for them to be solved by themselves or to be solved by others, not to accumulate problems. Well, the favorite rule of coaches is to translate problems into goals and objectives.

6. A clear separation of work and personal life. Work is work, personal life is personal life. And this border should be as clear as possible. There are working hours, and there is personal time, there are work problems, and there are personal ones, etc. And work problems are not recommended to be made personal, and personal - work. In general, do not carry work home, but home to work.

7. Correct organization of efforts. There is such a wonderful Pareto principle, which says that 80% of the result brings 20% of the effort, and the remaining 80% of the effort increases the result by only 20%. So, the effectiveness of work, it turns out, much more depends not on the amount of effort (as many people think), but on the correct application of these efforts. According to the Pareto principle, if we compare the absolutely correct organization of efforts (80% result with 20% effort) and absolutely wrong (20% result with 80% effort), then a person can get 4 times more results with 4 times less effort.

8. Praise yourself. Somehow our favorite rule is: do the job, find what is done badly in it and scold yourself properly. If such a rule is applied constantly and strategically, then even in the most successful work it will be possible to see only shortcomings and mistakes, which will have a beneficial effect on the motivation “to score everything!”. If you want, on the contrary, to maintain motivation to work, then you need to learn to praise yourself, pay more attention to what has already been done, and not to what has not yet been done, to see the part that has been done well, and not the one, which is bad, etc.

9. Improving professionalism. You cannot be a professional, you can only become a professional. And as soon as a person stops becoming a professional, he stops being one. In general, continuous training is important in any job. And this will also have a beneficial effect on motivation - new approaches, new interest, new development, etc.

10. Set the right goals. I'm not going to grovel about the SMART principle, etc. (in my reality, already only the very "correct" goal setting according to this principle can completely discourage any motivation). Still, you need to remind yourself of the goals, and these goals really should be "correct". And the most correct goal, it seems to me, is getting satisfaction from the work done. And everything else is just means. So, before doing any business, it is recommended to set a goal - to finish the business with satisfaction for yourself. And for this purpose, already plan the work itself.

11. Remember personal motives. There are two types of motivation in any job - what you want from your job and what others want from your job. Somehow it is customary among the people that the motivation "what others want" wins. Therefore, it is important to remember about your personal true motives for work and not allow them to be replaced by “other people's” motives.

12. Share your work goals and job responsibilities. Job responsibilities are just the conditions for achieving your goals at work. To pay the minimum necessary level of effort to the fulfillment of job descriptions, to achieve their professional goals - the maximum amount of effort. "I rent myself out to work, I devote myself to my work with enthusiasm." In general, remember that you are actually working only for yourself, everything else is just a condition for achieving personal interests.

If someone did not like some of the rules, then I remind you that all these recommendations are the result of group work, I am just a delivery person here, and I redirect complaints to the group. And if you still liked it, then I gladly accept all the thanks.)))

Best regards, practical psychologist Denis Starkov!
