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Video: Temperament

Video: Temperament
Video: Какой ваш тип темперамента? / Сангвиник, Холерик, Флегматик, Меланхолик / С кем вам будет лучше? 2024, April

About temperament

"What the choleric person sweeps out of the way, the phlegmatic person does not notice, the sanguine person will bypass, the obstacle for the melancholic."

“In ordinary everyday joys and sorrows of life, you need to be sanguine. In important life events - a melancholic. Concerning impressions that deeply affect our interests - choleric. And finally, a phlegmatic person in the execution of once adopted decisions"

Temperament - manifested by mobility, strength and balance of nervous processes. Hippocrates associated the types of human temperament with the predominance of one of the four elements ("life juices") in the body.

People whose body is dominated by yellow bile (chole) are impulsive, "hot". They were called choleric. NS - strong, mobile, unbalanced.

Lymph (phlegm) makes a person slow and calm - phlegmatic. NS - strong, sedentary, balanced

A person with a predominance of blood (sangwa) is cheerful and mobile - a sanguine person. NS - strong, mobile, balanced

And the predominance of black bile (melena hole) makes a person fearful, sad, melancholic. NS - weak, inactive, unbalanced

Of course, you and I know that the types of human temperament cannot be explained by the content of fluids in the body. But what then makes a person sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic or choleric?

I. P. Pavlov proved that the type of temperament is physiologically determined and depends on the type of higher nervous activity, which, in turn, is innate.

Even blood brothers and sisters and twins living side by side have significant differences in people's behavior due to the properties of their temperaments.

A description of the features of various temperaments can help to understand the traits of a person's temperament, if they are clearly expressed, but people with pronounced features of a certain temperament are not so common, most often people have a mixed temperament in various combinations.


The most significant changes in the structure of temperament take place every 7 years (at 7, 14, 21, 28, etc.)

Test for determining the "Formula of temperament" (A. Belov)


Mark with a "+" sign those qualities in the "passport" of temperament, which are usual for you, everyday.

Choleric people: restless, fussy; unrestrained, quick-tempered; impatient; harsh and straightforward in dealing with people; decisive and proactive; stubborn; resourceful in an argument; work in jerks; are inclined to take risks; are unforgiving; have a fast, passionate speech with confused intonations; unbalanced and prone to fervor; aggressive bully; intolerant of shortcomings; have expressive facial expressions; are able to act quickly and decide; tirelessly strive for new things; have sharp, impulsive movements; persistent in achieving the set goal; prone to mood swings

Count the number of your pluses.

Sanguine people: cheerful and cheerful; energetic and businesslike; often do not finish the job you have started; tend to overestimate themselves; are able to quickly grasp new things; unstable in interests and inclinations; easily experience setbacks and troubles; easily adapt to different circumstances; take on any new business with enthusiasm; cool down quickly if the matter ceases to interest you; quickly get involved in a new job and quickly switch from one job to another; burden yourself with the monotony of everyday painstaking work; are sociable and responsive, do not feel constrained with people new to you; hardy and efficient; have a loud, fast, distinct speech, accompanied by gestures, expressive facial expressions; maintain your composure in unexpected difficult situations; you always have a cheerful mood; fall asleep quickly and wake up; often not collected, show haste in decisions; sometimes tend to slide on the surface, get distracted. Count the number of your pluses.

Phlegmatic: calm and cold-blooded; consistent and detailed in business; careful and judicious; know how to wait; are silent and do not like to chat in vain; have a calm, even speech, with stops, without pronounced emotions, gestures and facial expressions; restrained and patient; bring the work started to the end; do not waste your energy; adhere to the developed daily routine, life, system at work; easily restrain impulses; not receptive to approval and censure; are gentle, show a condescending attitude to barbs addressed to you; are constant in their relationships and interests; slowly get into work and slowly switch from one activity to another; equal in relations with everyone; love neatness and order in everything; find it difficult to adapt to the new environment; have endurance.

Count the number of your pluses.

Melancholic: shy and shy; get lost in a new environment; find it difficult to establish contact with strangers; do not believe in yourself; easily endure loneliness; feel depressed and confused when failing; tend to withdraw into themselves; get tired quickly; have a quiet speech; you involuntarily adapt to the character of the interlocutor; impressionable to tearfulness; extremely susceptible to approval and censure; make high demands on yourself and others; prone to suspicion, suspiciousness; painfully sensitive and easily injured; overly touchy; secretive and uncommunicative, do not share your thoughts with anyone; inactive and timid; compliant, submissive; strive to evoke sympathy and help from others.

Count the number of your pluses.


Now calculate the formula for temperament:

Ft = X (Ax 100%) + C (Ac 100%) + F (Af 100%) + M (Am 100%)



FT is the formula of temperament, X - choleric temperament, C - sanguine temperament, F - phlegmatic temperament, M - melancholic temperament, A - the total number of pluses throughout the test (for all four types)

Ah - the number of pluses in the "choleric passport", Af - the number of pluses in the "phlegmatic passport"

As - the number of pluses in the "sanguine passport", Am is the number of pluses in the "melancholic passport".

In the final form, the formula of temperament takes on the following, for example, the form:

FT = 35% X + 30% C + 14% F + 21% M

This means that this temperament is 35% choleric, 30% sanguine, 14% phlegmatic, 21% melancholic.

If the relative result of the number of positive answers for any type is 40% or more, then this type of temperament is dominant in you.

If 30 - 39% - then the qualities of this type are expressed quite clearly, If 20 - 29%, then the qualities of this type are expressed average, If 10 - 19%, then the qualities of this temperament are expressed to a small extent.

Sanguine temperament

A sanguine person quickly converges with people, is cheerful, easily switches from one type of activity to another, but does not like monotonous work. He easily controls his emotions, quickly settles in a new environment, actively enters into contact with people. His speech is loud, fast, distinct and accompanied by expressive facial expressions and gestures. But this temperament is characterized by some ambivalence. If the stimuli change rapidly, the novelty and interest of the impressions are maintained all the time, a state of active excitement is created in the sanguine person and he manifests himself as an active, active, energetic person. If the impacts are long and monotonous, then they do not support the state of activity, excitement and the sanguine person loses interest in the matter, he has indifference, boredom, lethargy. A sanguine person quickly develops feelings of joy, grief, affection and ill will, but all these manifestations of his feelings are unstable, do not differ in duration and depth. They appear quickly and can disappear just as quickly or even be replaced by the opposite. The mood of a sanguine person changes quickly, but, as a rule, a good mood prevails.

Phlegmatic temperament

A person of this temperament is slow, calm, unhurried, balanced. In activity, he shows thoroughness, thoughtfulness, perseverance. He, as a rule, brings what he started to the end. All mental processes in a phlegmatic person seem to proceed slowly. The feelings of the phlegmatic are outwardly expressed weakly, they are usually inexpressive. The reason for this is the balance and poor mobility of nervous processes. In relations with people, a phlegmatic person is always even, calm, moderately sociable, his mood is stable. The calmness of a person of phlegmatic temperament is also manifested in his attitude to the events and phenomena of the life of a phlegmatic person, it is not easy to infuriate and hurt emotionally. In a person of phlegmatic temperament, it is easy to develop endurance, composure, calmness. But a phlegmatic person should develop the qualities he lacks - great mobility, activity, not to allow him to show indifference to activity, lethargy, inertia, which can very easily form under certain conditions. Sometimes a person of this temperament can develop an indifference to work, to the life around, to people and even to himself.

Attention: phlegmatic boys with nervous disorders should not be sent to the garden before 3.5 years of age.

Choleric temperament

People of this temperament are fast, overly mobile, unbalanced, excitable, all mental processes in them proceed quickly, intensively. The predominance of excitement over inhibition, inherent in this type of nervous activity, is clearly manifested in the intemperance, impetuosity, irascibility, irritability of the choleric. Hence the expressive facial expressions, hasty speech, sharp gestures, unrestrained movements. Feelings of a person of choleric temperament are strong, usually vividly manifested, quickly arise; the mood sometimes changes dramatically. The imbalance inherent in a choleric person is clearly associated in his activities: he gets down to business with an increase and even passion, while showing impetuosity and speed of movements, he works with an uplift, overcoming difficulties. But in a person with a choleric temperament, the supply of nervous energy can quickly be depleted in the process of work, and then a sharp decline in activity can occur: the rise and inspiration disappear, the mood drops sharply. In communicating with people, the choleric admits harshness, irritability, emotional incontinence, which often does not give him the opportunity to objectively evaluate the actions of people, and on this basis he creates conflict situations in the team. Excessive straightforwardness, hot temper, harshness, intolerance sometimes make it difficult and unpleasant to be in a team of such people.

Melancholic temperament

Mental processes are slow in melancholic people, they hardly react to strong stimuli; prolonged and strong stress causes slow activity in people of this temperament, and then its termination. Melancholic people are usually passive in work, often have little interest (after all, interest is always associated with strong nervous tension). Feelings and emotional states in people of melancholic temperament arise slowly, but differ in depth, great strength and duration; melancholic people are easily vulnerable, they can hardly endure grievances, grievances, although outwardly all these experiences are weakly expressed in them. Representatives of a melancholic temperament are prone to isolation and loneliness, avoid communication with unfamiliar, new people, are often embarrassed, show great awkwardness in a new environment. Everything new and unusual causes a state of inhibition in melancholic people. But in a familiar and calm environment, people with such a temperament feel calm and work very productively. It is easy for melancholic people to develop and improve their inherent depth and stability of feelings, increased susceptibility to external influences.

Each temperament has both positive and negative properties.

Good parenting, control and self-control makes it possible to manifest:

melancholic, as an impressionable person with deep feelings and emotions;

phlegmatic, as a seasoned person without hasty decisions;

sanguine, as a highly responsive person for any job;

a choleric person, as a passionate, frantic and active person in work.

A person with any type of temperament may or may not be capable; the type of temperament does not affect a person's abilities, just some life tasks are easier to solve by a person of one type of temperament, others - of another.
