The Main "viral" Human Programs

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Video: The Main "viral" Human Programs

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Video: Animal Illusions by Johannes Stoetter on Chinese Talent Program BEYOND SHOW 2024, April
The Main "viral" Human Programs
The Main "viral" Human Programs

The main "viral" programs in humans and methods for their elimination

I propose to divide all fears, "mental blockages" of a person into groups.

When a person experiences positive emotions, the natural drug endorphin is released into his blood, all organs and systems work in an ideal mode for health. In this mode, healing from the most terrible and incurable diseases is possible. therefore the main task of the psychologist is to identify the cause of the disease or psychological discomfort, eliminate this cause, followed by the suggestion of constructive behavior, which will lead to positive emotions. This is real psychological help.

Already during the first diagnostic conversation, one can identify the main negative programs, attitudes that interfere with normal life. In addition to general questions about the client's life, ask him to show those places in the body where he feels discomfort, increased tension or "chill". Also familiarize yourself with the client's past or present illnesses - all this together will give you a fairly complete picture of his fears and blockages. Now work with them.

I had a client whose uterus was removed after several operations at different times. When I asked her about her relationship with her mother, she said that the relationship is very good. When asked about her sex life with her husband, she also said that everything is perfect. When I asked about her attitude to her own body, there was no negative. But for some reason the uterus was removed! Only by putting her into hypnosis, she was able to tell about the real cause of the disease. All the same, there were problems in relations with the mother and motherhood. The client considered herself a cultured, well-educated woman and therefore did not consider it necessary to “wash dirty linen in public”, that is, to tell strangers about intra-family problems. If I myself did not understand the causes of diseases, I would not even look for them in hypnosis. It means that she could not help. So, an understanding of the connection of diseases with mental programs-attitudes is necessary for a practicing psychologist in order to provide assistance to a client as quickly and efficiently as possible.

I am bad

A person receives this program-installation, as a rule, from his parents, in early childhood. This can be either a statement about the child, or the parents simply teach the child not to love themselves by their own example, demonstrating a constantly negative attitude towards themselves, towards their partner. It is enough to say one intemperate statement about a child that he is bad, that he is stupid, that other children are better than him, and the whole future fate of the child is ruined. Some children simply give up and stop fighting for their place in life, because they consider themselves unworthy of anything good. Others try to buy self-love by giving other people either materially or by serving them.. Another type of people begins to “prove” with their fists that they are good and worthy of love. Some begin to build psychological protection between themselves and the world around them, and at the level of the body, this protection turns into a decent layer of fat-barrier …

Depending on what area of life a person considers himself to be bad, worse than others, a general model of behavior will be seen. With this program, the cardiovascular system suffers.

"I am dependent on others, I am weak" - such a program is received by a child with a domineering mother or father. This is the case when one of the parents controls their child always and everywhere, as he considers himself to be very smart and responsible. Moreover, he totally controls not only his children, but also his spouse. Children in such a family, as a rule, are not able to make a decision on their own, they try to consult on all the little things. They are simply not capable of independent serious actions. They love that other people decide everything for them. Weak-willed. They do not want to argue and do not know how, they are used to obeying everything. In this case, the gastrointestinal tract and liver will be weak.

"I am poor, beggar" … Children learn life from their parents, and if the parents lived in poverty, were taught to find the cheapest things to buy, the cheapest food, lived in the simplest and most affordable housing for them, then children are more likely to do the same. Already from childhood, parents in this case have invested in their children a program to live in poverty. When parents receive paltry wages and do not even try to change their jobs for higher paying ones, their children will do the same. By their behavior, parents doom children to poverty, and this sometimes lasts for generations …

"I am afraid to express my thoughts, to talk about emotions" … This fear appears in a person when the parents shout at the child to be silent, to be quiet. Small children usually scream and cry when they feel bad, hurt, uncomfortable, etc. They still cannot accurately convey their feelings, so they just cry when they are uncomfortable. And they do it very often … Parents are annoyed by the constant scream, and in response they start screaming for the child to be silent. And so they scream quite often … As a result, the child receives a strong unconscious program to be silent when it is bad, and just endure … The inability to speak freely leads to psychosomatic diseases of the respiratory system. Parents, if your child often suffers from colds, then maybe the reason is in you?

"I'm doing everything wrong." When a baby begins to do things on his own, many parents tell him that he is doing it wrong. Sometimes they don't even just speak, but shout, scold. Moreover, they are not praised at all for correctly completed tasks. The kid gets the impression that he always does everything wrong! With age, this feeling grows, intensifies and becomes fixed in the unconscious. As an adult, a person stops even trying to do something, fearing to do everything wrong again. In this case, creative activity is completely inhibited.

"I am not beautiful, my body is not perfect" - the program blocks the feeling of one's sexuality, attractiveness in front of the opposite sex. Usually such people try to hide their appearance from others. Most often, in order to hide, they begin to build up a shield-barrier between themselves and the outside world. This barrier is fat, excess weight. Considering themselves ugly, such people can have complexes in different areas of life: in communication (especially with the opposite sex), in sex (elderly virgins from among them).

"Mom, dad doesn't love me." When a child lives in an environment of people who do not love him, who never caress, do not support, then a child, and then an adult, begins to take such an attitude towards himself as normal, for granted. Since he simply did not know any other attitude, did not observe, then in his future life he will unconsciously choose those people who will not love him as friends and partners. Moreover, he himself, too, will not be able to truly love anyone, he will not be able to open up and trust another person. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are possible.

"I am stupid". Parents, if you want your child to strive for learning, for new knowledge and skills, in no case ever tell him that he is stupid! On the contrary, praise more often for the slightest success in training. If you still repeat to your kid that he is stupid, that he does not understand anything, then be prepared for the fact that he will become bad at school, college, even with high intelligence. Even simple things will be difficult for him to understand with such a program-setting living in his unconscious. Frequent headaches, reduced vision are possible (so as not to simply see this world around).

"It's my fault". If parents from childhood tell a child that he is to blame for this and that, then with age a person begins to feel guilty about everything, no matter what happens around him. Moreover, some “guilty” people resign themselves to the fact that they are guilty and try to atone for their guilt with something, often helping others to the detriment of themselves. Others, "knowing" that they are to blame for everything, will try to hide this feeling, but at every opportunity to project their "guilt" on others, accusing them of the slightest offenses. Some do not want to put up with the role of the "guilty" and begin to arrange a "fight for their rights", up to open physical violence (if the leading instinct is to attack). An unconscious feeling of guilt interferes with the normal functioning of the heart, causing, over time, heart disease.

“I control everyone. Fear of losing control … This is another possible scenario with a dominant parent, in which case the child simply learns to copy the parent's behavior in suppressing others. Usually, girls copy the behavior of their mothers, and boys copy their fathers. If dad suppresses everyone in the family, then the son will suppress others in the future. A girl in such a family will grow up weak-willed, accustomed to pressure from the outside and submission.

People who suppress others very often suffer from high blood pressure, as they are constantly mentally in a state of readiness for an attack. Hence, a high level of adrenaline, with a consequent rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. People who are suppressed, resigned to their role, have pressure close to normal or low. They are mentally in a state of waiting for orders from the outside, they are ready to execute orders without resistance.

So, another viral program- " a person's misunderstanding of his destiny, his place in life " … Each of us is born with certain abilities, inclinations. It is advisable to identify these inclinations even in childhood, in order to have a more or less clear idea of what profession to study in the future. A person spends at work the lion's share of his time, and spending this time on something that he does not like is not just unpleasant, it harms mental health and, as a result, physical health. It is especially necessary for men to choose the right profession, because they are the ones who realize themselves in the profession. A person who has realized a profession will be able to benefit the entire community, and himself in the first place.

While conducting therapy, I sometimes just insisted on changing the profession, since it was impossible to restore mental health in another way.

Diseases of the legs, inability to move

Legs move us through life. When a person begins to move in the wrong direction, that is, to do the wrong thing for survival and reproduction, then his legs begin to suffer. At the beginning of the “wrong” movement, you can start to stumble at those moments when you think to do something wrong. If a person constantly acts, forgetting his own vital interests, following the lead of others, or simply being afraid to seem “not polite”, “not fulfilling church commandments,” “not cultured,” then he will face serious leg illnesses.

Summing up this article, we can say that we are all programmed by life itself to achieve a certain result. Moreover, this goal embedded in us with the expected result is far from always rosy and leading to health and harmony. Therefore, it is very desirable for each of us to know our "viral programs" in person in order to eliminate and thereby change our destiny. Fate is not something static, unchangeable; you can and should work with fate. Good luck to everyone in this field!
