How To Start Fulfilling Your Mission?

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Video: How To Start Fulfilling Your Mission?

Video: How To Start Fulfilling Your Mission?
Video: How to go ALL IN on your mission in life | MQS#0008 2024, April
How To Start Fulfilling Your Mission?
How To Start Fulfilling Your Mission?

Any person who wants to find their purpose needs to learn to feel and understand themselves. It is a mistake for a person to strive to immediately find out: what he should do, so as not to waste time in vain or because he is tired of going to an unloved job. This is one of the false paths to finding your purpose. Because to fulfill your mission, it is not enough just to have an idea of what you need to do and have the skills to do it. You also need skill and subtle knowledge of the nuances in the chosen area in order to fully unfold in your mission. And all this comes while you are moving along the path of recognizing yourself.

So, in order to eventually come to your destination, you just need to start to understand yourself and do what you want to do.

Easy to say, but not easy to understand and get it right. Understanding yourself is based on knowing your feelings and emotions, as well as on the ability to observe your feelings, experiences, feelings and emotions. And in our society it is generally not accepted to do this. It is customary to suppress negative emotions and show positive emotions outward. A person who since childhood does not hear himself and does not know his emotions, who is used to doing as mom said to deserve her love - automatically controls and suppresses himself, and is brought to a state in which he understands his own: pain, irritation, anger, loneliness, despair and other negative emotions are impossible.

A person hears from all sides that one can learn to manage emotions and sometimes reads books on this topic and, after that, even more strives to get rid of his negative emotions and experiences. But, thus, he finds himself in a situation where all emotions are inaccessible to him: his connection with himself is severed, and the brain, which tried to control everything so perfectly, no longer has the power to control the person himself, and the person does not know what he wants. This state is called suppression of emotions. The way back to regaining the ability to feel is through confronting all negative feelings and emotions, which you need to learn not only to feel, which in itself is not very pleasant, but also to understand and also correctly interpret.

However, even if a person is able to feel his emotions, he is often unable to interpret them correctly. Although, this person is definitely in a better situation than the person who has ceased to hear himself.

People who are used to trusting their intuition and acting in harmony with it are in an even more advantageous situation. They cannot fully explain the reasons for their actions, but they live in relative balance with themselves. For such people, for greater self-confidence, you just need to understand how to properly coordinate intuition with actions - this is the best thing for them.

And now, when you are already reading, perhaps, not the first article about the importance of understanding yourself, your feelings and emotions, you have a logical question: how do you learn to do this?

Before answering this question, it is important to understand the reasons: why a person cannot do this. When a person is born, feelings and emotions are available to him in full and he needs, during growing up, to learn to understand what they are talking about. Feelings are filled with a negative color and these are just pointers on the wrong path and signals that speak of danger: signals to reflect on the situation and make adjustments to your life. These are our "inner eyes" that allow you to find your right path in life and your purpose.

However, due to the fact that the child immediately begins to teach all sorts of prohibitions, manipulations with the "carrot and stick" method, as a result, instead of the child learning to understand himself, he perfectly learns to suppress himself, not to cry, so that mom and dad are them satisfied. It's a natural urge to use love for your parents in this way. Parents do this out of the best intentions for their child, so that he can live by the rules of this world, because this is how they themselves were taught.

So: feelings, emotions and experiences are what is given to us from birth and our task is to learn how to interpret them

The only way to learn how to manage emotions is to learn to perceive them as pointers on your path. And if you understand emotions, know how to move according to your path and your true desires, then you experience only love and gratitude for the world around you, and you do not have unpleasant experiences about this.

How can you return to your original state, when you would know exactly your feelings and be able to interpret them?

Step 1. Immerse your attention in the body

Sit or lie down alone with your eyes closed, when no one is distracting and start registering everything that happens to you. It can be boring or unpleasant, but boring and unpleasant only because inside of you you have been experiencing boredom for a long time, which is trying to tell you that you are not doing your own thing and do not care about yourself. Of course, it will have to be experienced and understood before it passes. In general, for any understanding of oneself, it is good under any pretext to remain alone and better with closed eyes, then the magic of understanding oneself will not keep you waiting long.

To speed up the process of understanding oneself, it is necessary, under the guidance of an experienced instructor, to engage in one of the types of practices for focusing attention within. These are such practices as: Zen meditations, vipassana, yoga nidra, centering practices, individual processing sessions. Then it will be much easier for you to get the experience of awareness and understanding of yourself, and then apply it in your life and further.

For the first time, when a person makes such a dive, he stumbles upon such emotions as: scary, boring, offensive, guilt and something else. Even if there is nothing not to do, but simply to arrive in a state of immersion in oneself for a long time, then gradually these emotions will begin to pass and understanding of oneself will also become clearer. A person who closes his eyes, moves the vector of attention inward, learns absolutely wonderful things. He recognizes inner feelings and experiences, accumulates (accumulates) energy, purification occurs, metabolism is regulated (the body heals), and over time, a magical understanding of oneself comes.

Step 2. Observation and understanding

When you have already learned to observe any states inside without avoiding and to be calmly inside even if it is dark and whatever happens there, then the time comes to observe and consider all this. Your task is to learn to understand and interpret any feelings as they really are. Negative emotions and experiences exist in order to tell us the right path that best suits your path. And instead of starting to accept emotions and move correctly, we devalue and try to change the emotions themselves! You don't need to change your emotions, you need to understand.

Example: a person goes to work every day. And he generally likes the job, but the boss and all his entourage makes him resentful. And over time, it is difficult for him to wake up in the morning, he does not want to go to work and meet these people at all. There are several ways to understand these negative emotions.

Method 1. Imagine that we are dealing with a person who is developing and believes that he is responsible for his world. Then he says to himself: "I want to feel good and learn to communicate adequately with my boss and colleagues." And he begins to train his communication in each situation. Then he becomes interested at work, because he not only works, BUT ALSO DOES TRAINING his communication skills. And this ability is perhaps one of the main puzzles of its purpose. And so, negative emotions and experiences scatter by themselves somewhere.

Method 2. The person finally does not like his environment, and he decides to change jobs in order to stop raping himself every morning. And he begins to look for a new job, carefully selecting the working conditions that he would like. In this case, in anticipation of changes, his work ceases to seem so terrible to him. At a new job, of course, everything can turn out to be the same, and then a person will also understand that it is time for him to learn something.

In fact, there are many more options and it doesn't matter how you understand your emotions at the very beginning. Repetition or changes in events will show how well you are moving towards understanding yourself.

Any movement brings new knowledge, understanding and experience of adjusting oneself to finding the right path, but its absence leads to stagnation and depression.

Step 3. Correct understanding and interpretation of your emotions

This is not an easy task. Because for a correct interpretation, you need to agree that the world is just your reflection and understand that there is nothing outside, but everything exists inside you, and the outside is all just a reflection of the inside. It is this kind of worldview - I call it the worldview of the cause, it helps to learn how to correctly understand your emotions and take responsibility for them.

So: you just move on this unique and interesting journey into understanding and studying yourself, you learn to do the right actions for you, train some abilities and skills, and at some point the puzzle is your destination, it just gathers, and you find yourself right in front of your favorite pastime and business

So: to discover your true purpose, you just need to take courage and begin to understand yourself. To abandon the patterns that society and parents impose on us, and boldly start doing what you want and what helps to feel real inner happiness. Everything that I have described is sometimes very difficult to start doing on your own, so this path is to feel, you can start with classes with an experienced person or a yoga or meditation instructor.

There are many good methods for defining your vocation and it is important to understand that they can help you move towards what you have long dreamed of and show the right path to achieving self-realization. When you understand where to move, you can always find strength inside for changes and correct movement. Defining a vocation is another way to ensure that you begin to acquire the necessary skills and abilities, and be able to get on your way. It is important not only to find out your purpose, but also to discover it within yourself. And to open it inside there is only one way - to hear and trust yourself.

Good luck!
