Female Violence

Video: Female Violence

Video: Female Violence
Video: Violence Against Women and Girls: Let's Reframe This Pandemic | Alice Han | TEDxBeaconStreet 2024, April
Female Violence
Female Violence

Let's talk about female aggression? And about female violence?

Here I am - a woman. At the same time, for me, female aggression is much more terrible and disgusting than male aggression.

And with men I find it much easier to find a common language than with women. Not for nothing - 10 years in politics and then another 10 - with the military. Before that I worked for a couple of years in women’s … sorry - in women's collectives "pro-science", you know, from the series "good for a girl" - from both I ran away in horror, unable to bear even half a year.

Yes, I know firsthand about the glass ceiling, and about the complete lack of political correctness, and about gender-based harassment and insults. But all this is quite easily neutralized by a retaliatory strike. And more often even with the usual ability to take a punch.

Male aggression is simple and straightforward. It is easy to see it in the bud and neutralize it in time. And if I respond to male aggression with fists, loud screams and obscene language, then I am a brave girl who can stand up for herself, I deserve fanfare and applause, and I have the right to be proud of myself.

Female aggression - she's so creepy, sticky, well disguised … you know what? Under the care and self-sacrifice. That is, they seem to be taking care of you and trying for you. At the same time, it is somehow tacitly implied that you are a helpless fool … well, or an impotent asshole. Of course, this is not said and even fiercely denied if someone suddenly dares to say about it aloud. And you know what is most disgusting? What if I respond to SUCH aggression.. no, not with a hook in the jaw (although sometimes I could hardly restrain myself) … and not even with obscenities … but simply with a polite refusal to accept this very concern (because, note, I did not ask for it and she the hell did not give up) - who am I after that? An ungrateful bastard, causing universal condemnation and obliged to torment with a sense of guilt. Moreover, I myself turn into the very aggressor who offends such a kind and defenseless woman.

Female violence is about getting yourself a cat so that you have someone to care for and someone to love. Only at the beginning he was castrated and his claws cut off, so that, God forbid, he did not begin to resist this love and care. Then suddenly remember that the cat - he has to hunt and catch mice, but this one - for some reason not and declare him an infantile freak.

In childhood, each of us was subjected to violence by women much more than by men - after all, it is women who are full of kindergartens and schools, and 90% of them are embittered by unfulfilled ambitions and too cowardly to fix anything in their lives. As a result, aggression merges on children - under the guise of touching care, of course, about their health and moral character. Therefore, the child is shoved with porridge, which makes him sick, and his first love is declared dangerous and immoral. And all - for the sake of his (her) own good.

A logical question: maybe I envy them, because I myself do not know how? Everything is so stable and prosperous for them - cats, men, and kids. All are surrounded by care, from which they will not go anywhere on the coffin of life. I have heard this more than once from sophisticated ladies, including psychologists.

Yes, I really can't do that. It's disgusting and disgusting to me. And the fact that it comes from the same creatures that I belong to by gender - from women, that is, is doubly disgusting and disgusting. I love strong and free men and women, with all the attendant risks and uncertainties. And I hate any kind of violence and violation of boundaries - whether it is dirty harassment or uninvited concern.

I am gladly awaiting a flurry of female aggression on this post. Of course, in the form of taking care of me, stupid, solely for my own good.

The author of the article - psychologist Lana Taiges (maslova Svetlana Vladimirovna) (c)
