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Video: Psychophysiology 2024, April

Many of us have heard about right-handers and left-handers, about the differences in people, consisting in the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres and the distribution of mental functions between them. Currently, this topic is becoming more and more relevant. The fact is that today the number of left-handed people is increasing up to 45%. Neurophysiologists around the world explain this fact by the adaptation of the organism to changing environmental conditions, as a protective evolutionary mechanism.

The social environment, the entire world around us is focused only on right-handed left-brain people.

In such conditions, if we do not raise the issue of discrimination against right-brain people, then at least one should take into account the fact that these people find themselves in stressful situations every day and constantly overcome them. In a stressful situation, the psychological load falls on the leading hemisphere and further increases the asymmetry of the brain. But it is it that determines the strategy of thinking, emotional perception, behavioral response of a person, his success in a particular type of activity.

Thus, the knowledge of the personnel officer of the psychophysiological characteristics of his employees, as well as other methods, will contribute to the success of the selection and placement of personnel.

According to scientific research in this direction, all people in terms of the ratio of the activity of the hemispheres can be conditionally attributed to one of three types:

right-brain - left-handed

left-brain - right-handed

Equal-hemispheric (ambidextrous) - two-armed people

It is generally accepted that the right hemisphere is humanitarian, imaginative and creative. It is responsible for the body, coordination of movements, spatial, visual and tactile perception. The left hemisphere is considered mathematical, speech, logical and analytical. It is responsible for the perception of auditory information, setting goals and building behavioral programs. If we believe the neurophysiological conclusions, then a person's predisposition to this or that type of activity is predetermined by nature and, accordingly, can be identified using scientifically developed methods.

A method of express character analysis was developed, based on the identification of the functional asymmetry of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Scientists have found that if a person's right hemisphere is dominant, then his emotional sphere is more developed and he will be successful in socially oriented activities; if the left hemisphere predominates, then a person is characterized by rationality, consistency, the predominance of reason over feelings, and, most likely, he will be successful in information and analytical activities.

The proposed test uses four criteria based on the innate properties of a person, which, as a rule, do not change during life. Of course, with strong excitement, interhemispheric connections can be strengthened or changed, and the other hemisphere can temporarily become the leader. But, if the testing takes place in natural calm conditions, then the data obtained can be quite reliable.

Description of the technique.

Test 1: Thumb. The subject is asked to interlace his fingers, "in the lock." The same thumb always appears at the top, no matter how many times the command is executed. If this is the left finger, then we have an emotional person, if the right one is reasonable.

Test 2. Leading eye. Select a “target” and ask the subject, directing a kind of front sight (pencil or pen) at it, “aim”, closing one eye, then the other. He will surely notice that, with one eye, the “front sight” does not shift, but with the other, it goes to the side. The eye in which the “target” is shifted is the leading one. You can "aim" through a hole in the paper, the result will be the same. With the leading right eye - in front of you is a persistent, firm, slightly aggressive person: with the left - soft, compliant, cautious.

Test 3. The leading hand. The subject is asked to cross his arms over his chest, that is, to intertwine them, the so-called "Napoleon's pose". If, when the hands are intertwined, the right palm is on top, then this person is prone to innocence, naturalness and simplicity; with the left - to artistry, coquetry, some demonstrativeness.

Test 4. Applause. The subject is asked to clap his hands. If, when applauding, it is more convenient to clap with the right hand, then this shows a decisive person, courageous, inclined to take risks; if it is more convenient to use the left, then we are often faced with a hesitant person, an "insurer" who makes informed decisions and, in case of possible failures, thinks out ways of retreat.

The results obtained are indicated by the letters L - left, R - right in order: thumb, leading eye, leading hand, applause. At the end, a four-letter formula is obtained, corresponding to one of 16 possible combinations, allowing you to describe a mini-portrait of a person. In assessing the result, the expert must firmly remember that there are no “bad-good” characters, there is only that which is characteristic of a person to a large extent or not at all! So, the result will match the following descriptions:

The SPPP is a conservative person who respects traditions and common opinion. Diligently avoids conflicts, does not like to argue and quarrel. He insists on his opinion in exceptional cases. He is suspicious of innovations, slowly learns new methods and techniques of work, strives for systematic, orderly activity.

PPP - the leading trait of this person is indecision. This person thinks for a long time before making a final decision. Suspicious, constantly doubting himself. He often underestimates his real abilities and capabilities, avoids competitive situations. He prefers to act for sure. Works productively with precise instructions and clear directions.

PPLP - this person is characterized by coquetry, artistry, a sense of humor, determination. He values the same qualities in other people. We can say that this is a feminine (female) type of character. Such an employee is indispensable in those industries where you need wide communication with people, client-oriented activities.

PPLL - this combination is quite rare. It is somewhat similar to the previous one, but more ambivalent, softer. Here indecision is combined with some stubbornness, hardness with softness. Often, this is a person of mood who, depending on his mood, makes opposite decisions on the same issues. He is inclined to creativity, the activity of such a worker is often chaotic and disordered, but it is chaos that contributes to his activation and productivity in work.

PLPP is a type of business person, where character traits complement and reinforce each other. Coldness is combined with tolerance, analyticity with gentleness, detachment with caution. Such a person slowly gets used to new people, methods of work, and may experience difficulties in social adaptation. It is focused on the result of activity, usually sets realistically achievable goals.

PLPL is a rather rare type of character, extremely weak, suggestible and weak-willed. It usually occurs in women. Such a person is defenseless, gullible, very loyal to the group in which he works. The team strives to establish friendly relations. Reacts sharply to criticism or remarks addressed to him. The activity requires ongoing monitoring of the result. Usually obedient, moderately executive worker who performs his duties no worse, but no better than others.

LDPP - the main features of this person can be considered: emotionality, plasticity, contact. Such a person is focused on others, subject to other people's influence, always supports the opinion of the majority, easily adapts to the changed conditions of life. Quickly adapts in a team, easily converges with people. He switches well from one type of activity to another, quickly learns new methods and techniques of work, harmonious and effective in work.

LPPL is a type of little prince, queen in the team. Such an employee requires an exceptional attitude towards himself, he is "not like everyone else", he is special. Softness and naivety are combined with despotism and capriciousness. In communication, he knows how to settle conflicts, in the story he is able to boast, embellish. Indispensable when holding corporate parties, anniversaries, that is, where he has the opportunity to "show off" himself.

LLPP is an extremely friendly, simple and natural person in behavior. He is prone to introspection, scattered interests, greedy for unusual theories and unconventional views. In activity - an innovator and experimenter, is not afraid of innovations, easily agrees to unfamiliar activities, the most important thing for him is that the process itself brings satisfaction. Needs final control of the result.

LLPL is a very rare type of simple-minded, gentle and gullible person. Practically not found in men. This is the “soul” of the team, the “kind mother” who is always ready to listen, understand and support another. Such a person is simply necessary in a women's team, he knows how to relieve stress, set others in a positive mood and productive activity. He works harmoniously in small teams.

LLP is an emotional, energetic and determined person. Prefers to act rather than think. Able to make hasty ill-considered decisions that can lead to serious complications. If this is a leader, then he needs a reasonable, rational deputy, as an additional brake mechanism. In his activity he is focused on the result, and the more fantastic it is, the more active the actions of this employee.

LLLL is a type of revolutionary, innovator. He knows how to look at old things in a new way. To be burdened by strictly regulated activities. I am inclined to cancel old instructions, rules, even those that have proven themselves well. Stubborn, selfish, secretive. He is inclined to creative activity, thinking outside the box, works harmoniously in solitude.

LPLP is a very strong person who never changes his point of view. Able to go into conflict with the majority, insisting on his decision or opinion. Insufficient, persistent, energetic. In activity, he stubbornly achieves the set goals, is focused on the result. Knows how to organize himself and make others work. Often has the traits of a leader.

LPLL - somewhat similar to the previous type of character, but prefers to organize himself, and not others. Persistent, strong-willed, prone to introspection. Prefers individual types of activity, is efficient at work. He is not afraid of difficult tasks, he is persistent in achieving his goals. Usually has a limited circle of close friends, makes new acquaintances with great difficulty.

PLLP is an easy-going, enterprising, sociable person. Diligently avoids conflicts, easily finds friends, often changes his hobbies. Others-oriented, changeable and easygoing worker. Usually avoids personal responsibility and prefers teamwork. Effective in mobile activities.

PLLL is an individualist, fickle and independent. Gentle and flexible in personal communication, demanding and tough when it comes to business. Result-oriented, good at solving operational problems and issues, inclined to analysis, successful in achieving complex goals. He easily takes responsibility for himself, does not trust anyone, strives to do everything himself.

Although, of course, this technique gives a quick and fairly accurate idea of the possible character of a person, it is nevertheless necessary to remember that each person is deeply individual and in detail will differ in some way from the characteristics described above. However, the proposed express diagnostics, of course, helps to predict the success of a candidate in a particular type of activity and to better understand the cause of his problems.
