What Is The Difference Between Male And Female Support?

Video: What Is The Difference Between Male And Female Support?

Video: What Is The Difference Between Male And Female Support?
Video: 12 Main Differences Between Men and Women 2024, April
What Is The Difference Between Male And Female Support?
What Is The Difference Between Male And Female Support?

It's like supporting from the outside or from within.

A man can support a woman from the outside. If she is exhausted, he can take care of her and take on some of the responsibility associated with specific cases. Do something: resolve the issue or fix the problem. If a woman is scared and confused, then next to a man you can make sure that the world has not collapsed yet, that she is not alone, and in case of danger there is someone to protect her. When you are tired, you can lean on a reliable man's shoulder and relax a little, take a break and continue living on. Another great support is that, despite the revealed weaknesses, being vulnerable and helpless, she still remains valuable and important for a man and can be counted on.

But it happens that a woman needs something completely different. To be understood and accepted. And this can only be done by another woman. But many people mistakenly go to look for it from a man. Carrying to him all my tears and the accumulated pain of a woman's soul. It is difficult for men to endure women's tears, because at this moment they experience a lot of powerlessness (quite rightly). They want to do something just to stop it. It seems to them that it is the action that will stop suffering and make the woman happy. A wise man with experience, the maximum that he can offer is to stay close while the woman is crying about something of her own. And do not interfere with her with any attempts to do something. Even a sincere desire to understand her through questioning may not lead to anything positive. He can never feel her pain, simply because he is a man. And it happens that a woman cries, but it doesn't get any easier. And the man is not to blame for this.

If something happened to a woman, she lost faith in herself, feels humiliated and depressed, blames herself for being a bad mother, wife or daughter, and generally a worthless woman, only another woman can support her at this moment. Shame, despair, disappointment, fear, sadness - these feelings are difficult to withstand, being alone with yourself. If this is a wise woman, she will listen and understand without condemnation and devaluation, because she has her own experience. Feminine presence and acceptance give confidence that it can be experienced, and you are not alone in your difficulties. The confidence that you are not an outcast who has no place among worthy women. And what is happening to you is normal and not ashamed, and this was the case with her and with other women. Such support, as an introduction to the feminine gender and strength, which says: “You are a woman! And you are ours! And it feeds from the inside!

It's the same with the man. How can a woman support a man in a moment of his weakness? Showing care, affection and tenderness, while not losing respect for him. Continuing to believe in him, in his strength, not trying to take on all the hardships of his life. But a man can find complete healing and acceptance of himself in all his manifestations without fear and shame only next to another man. Who already sailed there and survived. And he knows that men's tears are not a shame, it is about a living soul that needs support at the moment. Such support as joining the male flock, which reads: “You are a man! And you are ours! And it feeds from the inside!
