
Psychologists, esotericists and adherents of all kinds of spiritual teachings often call for a conscious attitude towards life. It is understood that being aware is good and if you are aware, then you are a fine fellow, it helps in life. But what is "awareness"?

Mindfulness is a constant understanding of yourself, the motives of your actions, your desires, your feelings. This is the feeling of your body, the moment "here and now", the skill of presence. That is, my thoughts are now here, with me, in the present moment. Not in the past, not in the future, not in there and then, but now, here. This does not mean that a person is deprived of memories or is not able to predict, plan, but he does this not out of habit, not because he has "forgotten", but because he has made a decision to raise memories or think over plans for the future. Without getting stuck in this past or future.

It is the ability to recognize and accept any of your emotions, to precisely define, identify and accept any of your desires and needs. Understanding from what deficit a particular need arose and a willingness to satisfy it ecologically (not to the detriment of oneself and others).

This is an understanding of their roles and their appropriate playing. For example, a man can be a father, son, boss, brother, business owner, husband, friend, snowboarder, householder, citizen of a country, party leader, chess player, doctor, etc. But at the same time, an appropriate, timely reproduction of the role is observed: at work - the boss, at home - the husband and father, with the parents - the son, at the game of chess - the chess player, at the elections - the citizen of the country. Difficulties begin when the roles are played out in an inappropriate situation, as in a joke about a woman: a hostess in bed, a princess in the kitchen, a mistress at a party … This understanding - who I am at a specific moment, in a specific place and in a specific environment? But also who I am in a global sense - who I am, as a person, as a person, as something beyond these roles, a certain central "I", a spiritual "I".

Mindfulness is the ability to objectively recognize the cause and effect relationships in your life. That is, if I stumbled on a stone, it happened not because the stone was out of place, not because "the fool himself is to blame," but because at the moment of walking I did not look at my feet. There is action and there is a result. The ability to keep track of which action (or inaction) resulted in a specific result is also a component of awareness.

Mindfulness is the willingness to take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life, without shifting the blame on yourself or on others: on people (brothers, sisters, parents, colleagues, boss), on organizations, movements, structures, on some higher powers (fate, God, fate, fortune, devil) or, by chance, circumstances. Namely, to take responsibility, the ability to withstand it. What does it mean? Understanding that I choose certain reactions, I choose my thoughts, I choose what to do. Guilt does not imply actions to resolve the problem, but punishment that comes from the outside, if "from outside" does not come, then as a way to relieve tension - self-punishment, auto-aggression. Responsibility implies that I am ready to take certain actions to resolve a conflict, problem, task until the moment of immediate resolution ITSELF, without waiting for someone to come to the rescue. This does not mean that you should not ask for help, since asking for help is an active action. Silent expectation of help is already a refusal to take responsibility. Shifting the blame on others is also a disclaimer.

This is an understanding of one's abilities, interests and a willingness to develop them, to follow them. The desire for self-realization, the willingness to convert your innate talents into something valuable for yourself and other people.

This is the independent formation of their values. Morality is internally accepted dogmas of life, one's own commandments, a complex of certain life foundations consciously adopted for oneself. Morality is external commandments, not tested, not subjected to critical comprehension. A conscious person revises moral dogmas and, through his own prism of established beliefs and an internal intuitive sense of truth, either translates these dogmas into internal moral postulates, or rejects them as moralistic beliefs alien to himself.

Mindfulness is an independent choice of thoughts and beliefs. A conscious person CHOOS how to think and what to believe, what to know.

How is awareness gained? Gaining the skill of reflection (tracking your psychological, emotional, mental, bodily states and analyzing your experiences, thoughts, beliefs, motives for actions) and introspection (self-observation, self-study). This is the habit of analyzing yourself, your state, this is the search for answers to questions. Who am I? Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this? What I think? Why do I think so? Why do I think so? What I feel? Why do I feel this way? Why, why do I feel it? Why do I live? What do I want? Why do I want it? Why do I want it?
