Why Can't I Finish What I Would Like? And How Can This Be Changed?

Video: Why Can't I Finish What I Would Like? And How Can This Be Changed?

Video: Why Can't I Finish What I Would Like? And How Can This Be Changed?
Video: Selena Gomez - People You Know (Official Lyrics) 2024, April
Why Can't I Finish What I Would Like? And How Can This Be Changed?
Why Can't I Finish What I Would Like? And How Can This Be Changed?

Do you ever have a situation where you started doing some business and you just can't finish it?

And then we are not happy with ourselves, we feel annoyed and disappointed - "here is another day lived, and I never did it and did not finish it …"

And the next day everything repeats itself.

And so day after day.

Nothing changes.

And again we are worried and not happy that we cannot continue some business or finish it.

And these experiences take a lot of our strength.

But we could direct them to do these things.

I came across this very often.

And so I decided to deal with it!

What have I found out?

I have a to-do list that I would like to do.

And at the same time, I could not continue to do these things.

I have an understanding that it would be good to rank these cases by relevance, by priority.

This is where the difficulty arose.

They all seemed more or less important to me.

And how to distribute them according to their importance, I found it difficult.

And I found for myself a suitable option for how this can be done.

It is important to ask yourself questions:

“Is doing THIS business LIFE IMPORTANT for me?

Does MY LIFE depend on whether I do it or not?

How will my life change if I fulfill it?

And what will happen if I do not fulfill it?"

And if, answering these questions, I understood that the implementation of this work SIGNIFICANTLY affects my life, then I put it on the list of priority tasks.

And the more the accomplishment of the case HAS A STRONGER INFLUENCE ON MY LIFE, the more it turned out to be HIGHER on this list.

And accordingly, if the matter was important, but did not affect the solution of vital tasks for today, then I put it lower in the list.

And when I carried out such an audit in my affairs, I was relieved.

I gained the energy to do vital things, realizing that I can return to other things later, when my life situation changes.

And it so happens that the list may contain such things that we once wanted to do, but everything was postponed and postponed.

Then you can ask yourself: “WHY DO I do these things now? What LIFE-IMPORTANT PROBLEM will they help me to solve? What benefits will they bring to improve my life? How will they improve my life?"

And if the answer is found that “Yes, THIS BUSINESS will be USEFUL FOR ME. Thanks to this work, I will be able to improve this and that”.

Then the next question: “Is THIS really IMPORTANT for you NOW? Or was it important once, but now it is not so important?"

Based on the answers, we either leave the case on the list, or remove it.

It also happens that there are things on the list that we MUST do.

Then the questions will help: “TO WHOM should I do these things? How will doing these things affect me? WHO said I SHOULD make them?"

Such questions help to verify that these cases are really IMPORTANT TO US, and not to someone.

If they are needed by someone, and not by us, then it is understandable why we do not make them.

And then you can safely remove them from our list.

So, it turns out that we cannot finish things because we grab onto to do those things that are not vital to us.

Therefore, there is no energy for their continuation and completion.

Or these matters are not important to us, but to someone else.

Therefore, we, too, unconsciously resist doing them.

Or these cases were important to us once, but now their relevance has already disappeared, but we, by inertia, add them to our list.

And I think that it is important to do such an audit on a regular basis.

I assume with such periodicity: as soon as we notice that there is a postponement of some affairs, this is a signal to reconsider the vital importance of all affairs.

And make a new list based on this.

What do you think of all this?

Do you have such things that you cannot finish for a long time?

Please share your feedback!

I will be glad to see you!
