I'm In A Cabin Or Isolation

Video: I'm In A Cabin Or Isolation

Video: I'm In A Cabin Or Isolation
Video: Ylvis - The Cabin [Official music video HD] 2024, April
I'm In A Cabin Or Isolation
I'm In A Cabin Or Isolation

Isolation is often considered primary (immature), but it can be secondary. The first has an innate character and is in everyone, the second is acquired, and what it will be depends largely on upbringing and various events in life.

What are the reasons for starting this psychological process? Who tends to be isolated? How is this state expressed in adulthood? Isolation is primarily inherent in the baby - the baby played for a while, looked at his mother, was tired or overexcited, upset and simply fell asleep, passing into a different state of consciousness. Sleep is the purest form of isolation, but it is typical not only for a small child, but also for adults - for example, men who fell asleep in the theater, at a meeting or in the company of men. Why is this happening?

The banal answer is that they are bored. In reality, boredom is a rather restless feeling, which is based on anger, overexcitement, the inability to share all the stimuli that affect a person. As a consequence, sleep.

Another example of more modern isolation is the telephone (you can distance yourself from communicating with people in the company by playing on the phone or just surfing the Internet). Correspondence with a colleague or friend ("Hello! How are you?") Cannot be called isolation - there is contact. If a person communicates with friends in a company, and then abruptly "goes" to the phone, this triggers a protective mechanism - "That's enough for me! I'm not here! " In some cases, the phone is a way to relax and cope with some feelings (for example: "This person annoys me today! I'll surf the Internet for a few minutes and calm down!"). However, all this often happens unconsciously.

Sometimes people can lock themselves in an apartment and live in some kind of inner world. A situation may arise when a more mature person feels like in a soap bubble, in a cap or behind a glass - communicates with people, but is isolated emotionally within himself. A more expressive version of isolation (through sublimation) - a person “withdraws into himself”, closing himself in an apartment, does not communicate with anyone, but at the same time is engaged in creativity (writes poetry, stories, pictures). With such a level of isolation, you can live your life quite well, but the person will still suffer - there will be a lack of communication and exchange of energy with other people.

How to deal with this isolation? First of all, you need to clearly understand what feelings provoke the manifestation of defense mechanisms. Isolation is characteristic of the schizoid type of character. This protection becomes difficult when it is unbearable for a person to be in contact with himself. But at the same time, when he enters into relationships with other people, due to distrust and shame for how he will be seen, a feeling of fear arises. Accordingly, as soon as intimacy arises, a person simply "closes" the hatches and plunges into himself, into the ocean of his unconscious. However, despite the fact that he is in the center of events, the situation is not fully realized by him. Why? The thing is that this is a very early level defense and, as a rule, other defenses are practically inaccessible (for example, protection is part of the schizoid nature).

It is rather difficult to cope with the painful sensations that have arisen alone - you need both mirroring (Tell me how I feel?), And positive support (I must be seen and given feedback). If isolation is a peculiar way of life (work - home - hiding in a house), it is almost impossible to work out the problem on your own, since you need to conduct a deep analysis of the personality (Why does a person hide inside himself? When meeting with another person, what feelings are experienced?). In the case of one-time manifestations of the protective mechanism (for example, I am tired of someone in the company, so I decided to “go to the phone”), the phenomenon is temporary, and it is much easier to cope with it.
