Mechanism Of Transmission Of Trauma From Generation To Generation

Video: Mechanism Of Transmission Of Trauma From Generation To Generation

Video: Mechanism Of Transmission Of Trauma From Generation To Generation
Video: Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma 2024, April
Mechanism Of Transmission Of Trauma From Generation To Generation
Mechanism Of Transmission Of Trauma From Generation To Generation

There is such a thing as the transmission of trauma from generation to generation. There are many different theories about how this process takes place.

I am going to highlight one of the mechanisms of such a transfer. It is based on scientific research in recent years.

Several years ago I became interested in the study of epigenetic changes in the mechanism of functioning of the human genome. Together with my colleague Alina Koroleva, in 2011, we wrote in the journal "Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional and rehabilitation work" an article "Emotional-figurative therapy using the DNA image when working with psychosomatics."

I was interested in the question of how it is possible to translate into the language of psychology, the processes occurring in genes. The genes contain information about the phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of a particular person. We can say that individuality manifests itself at the level of genetics.


A very interesting and important event took place at the beginning of this century. The hereditary code of human life was deciphered.

The genome is a kind of program that is written in the nucleus of a living cell.

Research by psychologists is aimed at developing a method of psychotherapy that will allow working with the human genome.

Scientific research indicates that all our emotional upheavals leave behind chemical traces that are genetically passed on to offspring. Deep childhood experiences can influence the change in genetic inheritance.

Scientists are looking for an answer to the question: "What effect does stress have on the functioning of genes?"


This topic continues to interest me, and information is miraculously attracted to me from various sources. Now I have read with great interest from one of the founders of acceptance and responsibility therapy, Stephen Hayes, information about epigenetic changes in the light of AST therapy (acceptance and responsibility therapy).

How are traumatic scenarios passed down from generation to generation? What is the mechanism of this transfer? They are transmitted through the mechanism of epigenetic changes. These changes are passed along the lineage for 3-4 generations, and then usually lose their strength and power over the lineage.

Epigenetic processes affect gene activation and depend on our life experience. It depends on experience which genes will work and which will be turned off.

If in the family a grandmother or grandfather, and maybe a great-grandmother and great-grandfather, were abused, then this can be indulged in the form of epigenetic changes to you. This process is associated with the process of methylation in the dynamics of the genome. Methylation can turn off that part of the genome that should now be active and, therefore, disrupt the natural process that was originally envisaged. At the same time, scientists have already found that epigenetic changes are reversible. This is very good news. Psychotherapy is considered one of the ways to return the genome to its original functioning.


In particular, in the framework of AST therapy (therapy of acceptance and responsibility), studies have been carried out that have shown that the development of psychological flexibility can influence the work of our genes. Psychological flexibility changes the way genes work and can reverse epigenetic changes.

Thus, the mechanism of transmission of trauma from generation to generation can occur at the level of epigenetic changes.
